SBL Session Vaccines for COVID A new challenge a new development

10 de December de 2020

On December 17, Antonio Fernández, M.D. Director, Business Development & Government Affairs of Johnson & Johnson, gives an online presentation under the title “Vaccines for COVID. A new challenge, a new development ”. Antonio Fernández has a degree in Medicine from the University of Navarra and a graduate of the Executive Development Program of the […]

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EuroBioHighTech European Event on Innovation and Smart Health

1 de September de 2020

On 3rd and 4th September we invite you to Trieste at EuroBioHighTech 2020, the satellite event of the European Science Open Forum, the main European research event. EBHT is a unique event dedicated to Smart Health and Innovation for Businesses. The main players are: universities, investors, innovative companies and public institutions operating in the field […]

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IDIVAL rewards Dr Luis Rojas Marcos for his research career

28 de August de 2020

IDIVAL presents the award for his research career to Dr. Luis Rojas Marcos and the award for health cooperation for development to Dr. Pedro Cavadas. The award ceremony will take place during the XIII Inter-regional Meeting on Legal Protection of the Patient organized by the University Menéndez Pelayo International and directed by Jorge Tomillo, Professor […]

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Open the pre-registration Master in Health Services Management

10 de August de 2020

The Master and Expert in Direction and Management of Health Services (MADGS) of the University of Cantabria organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Health of the Government of Cantabria opens the pre-registration period. The thirteenth edition of the Master and the Expert program in Direction and Management of Health Services of the University of […]

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XIII Inter-regional Meeting on legal protection of the patient bioethical and legal challenges of COVID-19

This edition of the Inter-Autonomous Meeting on the Legal Protection of the Patient organized for thirteen years by the Menéndez Pelayo International University must necessarily be different from previous editions. The situation of exceptionality derived from the Covid-19 requires modulating this year one of the consolidated seminars in the Spanish panorama in the matter of […]

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Medical practice and what we have learned with the pandemic

29 de July de 2020

The UIMP teaches the online course "Medical practice and what we have learned from the pandemic" that will take place on August 17 and 18 in online format and will be broadcast on Open Streaming on UIMP-TV ( In this seminar, outstanding topics of the etiology, diagnosis, treatment and changes in the healthcare activity and […]

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Medical practice and what we have learned with the pandemic

The UIMP teaches the online course "Medical practice and what we have learned from the pandemic" that will take place on August 17 and 18 in online format and will be broadcast on Open Streaming on UIMP-TV ( In this seminar, outstanding topics of the etiology, diagnosis, treatment and changes in the healthcare activity and […]

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Webinar healthcare industry mobility and economic evaluation

8 de July de 2020

The Group in R + D + i in Health Economics of the University of Cantabria, in collaboration with SODERCAN, organizes the Webinar entitled "SANITARY INDUSTRY, MOBILITY AND ECONOMIC EVALUATION". The webinar will deal with topics of special importance and topicality in the new post-covid era: the Cantabrian Health System, the Health Industry, territorial mobility, […]

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Biobanco Valdecilla participates in a digital meeting

22 de June de 2020

The Biodeco Valdecilla participates in the first digital meeting of the NorayBanks Community “Pandemics: challenges and opportunities for biobanks” with Biobanco HCB-IDIBAPS. The situation caused by COVID-19 has forced biobanks and their technology partners to take change measures on a daily basis, to establish new forms of work, applicable to any type of biobank and […]

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Investigators Night 2020 The registration period for activities is opened

6 de May de 2020

The University of Cantabria is starting to organize the eighth edition of the European Night of Researchers in Cantabria. This year it will be celebrated on November 27. Researchers' Night is an opportunity for researchers to publicize the work they do. This type of activities allow to know the investigations that are carried out in […]

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