Online Course in nanoprevention

16 de March de 2017

The University of Cantabria (UC), Fremap and Marques de Valdecilla Research (IDIVAL) has created the I University Course in Nanoprevention. This course consists of training in labour risk prevention in the field of nanomaterials, whose application in industry has been growing rapidly in recent years, but not the establishment of prevention and correction measures.  This […]

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IV Course of flow citometry Techniques and applications in clinical and research

13 de March de 2017

  Purpose of the course: to present the basics of flow cytometry and their clinical and research applicability; to update the knowledge about the latest advances in this technology with the aim to solve scientific questions. Aimed at: graduates and technicians in health sciences and pre and postdoctoral research staff. Location: IDIVAL’s Flow Cytometry and […]

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Molecular basis for targeted therapy in t-cell lymphomas

5 de March de 2017

The seventh session of the Program of lectures Valdecilla Progress Reports will take place on the 8th of March. The conference will be given by Rufino Mondéjar García, Rio Hortega Contract of the Idival’s Group of Research Pathological Anatomy. The session will be about “Molecular basis for targeted therapy in t-cell lymphomas” and is briefly summarized […]

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IDIVAL launches the Post-MIR Valdecilla call 2017

28 de February de 2017

In order to promote support for research, recruitment and consolidation of talent in the VALDECILLA environment. IDIVAL announces the post-MIR VALDECILLA 2017 contracts for the development of research and innovation projects in newly formed health specialists in our country. Post-MIR Valdecilla contracts have as a specific objective to promote the incorporation of excellent health professionals […]

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Dr Javier Riancho Zarrabeitia receives Juan María Parés Award

24 de February de 2017

Dr. Javier Riancho Zarrabeita a neurologist at University Hospital Marques de Valdecilla and IDIVAL has been awarded Juan María Parés Prize for the best doctoral thesis in the area of Biomedical Sciences. The jury evaluated the scientific solvency of the assignment, its innovative character as well as its applicability and ability to transfer knowledge. The […]

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New trends and future directions on reconstructive urologic surgery

19 de February de 2017

The sixth session of the Programme Valdecilla Progress Reports will take place on the 22nd of February. The conference will be given by Félix Campos Juanatey, Specialist in Pneumology at Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital, Ex-contract Wenceslao López Albo. The session will be about “New trends and future directions on reconstructive urologic surgery” and is […]

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Conference by Dr González-Maeso from the Virginia Commonwealth University

9 de February de 2017

The second conference of Santander Biomedical Lectures Program organized by IDIVAL, the University of Cantabria and the IBBTEC will take place on the 23rd of February. The conference will be given by Dr. Javier González-Maeso, Associate Professor from the Department of Physiology and Biophysics at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine.  The session will focus on: “Epigenetic […]

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Presentation of Valdecilla Biosanitary Strategic Enhancement Program

6 de February de 2017

Next Wednesday 8 February will take place the presentation of Valdecilla Biosanitary Strategic Enhancement Program. This session will be given by Dr. Galo Peralta Fernández, Management Director of the Valdecilla Biomedical Research Institute (IDIVAL). Valdecilla Biosanitary Strategic Enhancement Program specifically focuses on the promotion and capture of talent, innovation facilitation and internationalization, all trying to […]

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Marquesa de Pelayo Library suscribes to CINHAL Plus Database

23 de January de 2017

Marquesa de Pelayo Library, which dependents on IDIVAL, has subscribed to database CINHAL Plus, the most important of Nursing, with access to more than 500 international journals in full text. The database allows you to launch thematic searches and it will give as a result references to articles whose complete text users can download directly […]

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Dr Iñaki Sanz will give a conference on the 26 January

20 de January de 2017

The next 26th of January will take place the first conference of the Programme Santander Biomedical Lectures that is organized by IDIVAL, University of Cantabria and IBBTEC. The conference will be given by Iñaki Sanz, Chief of the Division of Rheumatology at Emory Clinic (Atlanta) under the title: “Bases inmunológicas y epigenéticas de activación de […]

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