Cantabria participates in Care4Diabetes, an EU project to improve care for people with type II diabetes

2 de March de 2023

Care4Diabetes aims to empower patients to take an active role in the management of their disease. Endocrinologist Luis Alberto Vazquez Salví took part in the project’s inaugural conference held on 16 and 17 February in Oviedo with all the partners involved in Care4Diabetes. The aim is to implement in the European Union the Reverse Diabetes2 […]

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CIRCE-JA transfer of best praCtices In pRimary CarE

7 de February de 2023

Primary care is a key priority in terms of elements needed to strengthen the resilience of health systems, as well as to improve their accessibility. The new EU4Health funded Joint Action CIRCE-JA aims to improve and foster health in the European Union and strengthen health systems through reinforcing primary health care. CIRCE-JA is a 36-month […]

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IDIVAL collaborates in the usability of the SCS app

12 de January de 2023

IDIVAL has collaborated on the new Cantabrian Health Service application MiSalud@SCS, launched on 5 December, which to date has had more than 22,000 users in its first month of operation. The collaboration of the Valdecilla Research Institute (IDIVAL) together with the Cantabrian School of Health was key in the app usability tests carried out, based […]

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El entorno Valdecilla alinea a los actores estratégicos en medicina de precisión

24 de August de 2022

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Molestiae, perspiciatis tempora consequatur ratione commodi distinctio, reprehenderit, nostrum non inventore error facere. Deleniti delectus, aliquid quam neque perspiciatis officiis repellat cum.Iusto odit dolorem obcaecati consectetur voluptates at, distinctio alias tenetur neque cupiditate laboriosam facilis expedita soluta provident quas dolorum adipisci quidem modi harum perferendis corporis sapiente […]

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Parkinsons Disease Motor Subtypes Change with the Progression of the Disease

6 de February de 2022

  From a motor point of view, Parkinson's disease has traditionally been classified into different clinical phenotypes, which may be associated with a different prognosis of the disease. Tremor-predominant subtypes have been associated with more favourable prognoses than non-tremor subtypes.   IDIVAL's neurodegenerative diseases group has been participating in the COPPADIS study since 2016. This […]

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Presentation of IDIVALs Strategic Plan 2022-2026

12 de January de 2022

The IDIVAL Strategic Plan is the planning document that sets out the Institute's strategic objectives and action plans. During the year 2021, work has been done on the preparation of the new Strategic Plan, which is valid for the period 2022-2026. A significant number of members and staff of the Institute participated and collaborated in […]

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IDIVAL organised the 5th online study visit of INTENCIVE project

9 de November de 2021

An online study visit was hosted by the Health Research Institute Marqués de Valdecila (IDIVAL). The sessionwas attended by the INTENCIVE partner countries, some members of the regional stakeholder working groups as well as other people interested in the topics covered. In total, there were more than 40 attendees. This meeting was focused on our […]

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LXXXIII SEAP Lymphoma Club Meeting

14 de September de 2021

The LXXXIII Meeting of the Lymphoma Club of the Spanish Society of Pathological Anatomy (SEAP) will be held on the 24th of September at the Palacio de la Magdalena. The meeting is organised by Dr. Enrique Ocio, head of the Haematology Service and Dr. Santiago Montes from the Pathology Department of the Marqués de Valdecilla […]

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Publication of the UAE Guidelines on Urethral Strictures

The European Association of Urology (EAU) has recently published its new clinical practice guidelines (EAU Guidelines). For the first time, a specific guideline on urethral strictures has been included with the participation of Dr. Campos-Juanatey, from the Urology Department of the Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla. These EAU Guidelines are the result of an extensive […]

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IDIVALs Board of Trustees approves an innovation plan 2021

31 de August de 2021

The IDIVAL Board of Trustees held on 27 September approved an Innovation Action Plan 2021 that includes the implementation of the Business Council, already provided for in its statutes. This programme includes an ambitious training plan in innovation that includes three national programmes led by researchers from the Institute, one for training in innovation management, […]

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