Next Session synergies IDIVAL groups

13 de January de 2023

The first session of the third edition of the “IDIVAL Group Synergies” dissemination programme will be held on 18 January.  The main objective of this cycle of sessions is to improve knowledge of the activities and priority research lines of the groups, which favour the creation of synergies for new alliances in collaborative work. In […]

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IDIVAL collaborates in the usability of the SCS app

12 de January de 2023

IDIVAL has collaborated on the new Cantabrian Health Service application MiSalud@SCS, launched on 5 December, which to date has had more than 22,000 users in its first month of operation. The collaboration of the Valdecilla Research Institute (IDIVAL) together with the Cantabrian School of Health was key in the app usability tests carried out, based […]

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El entorno Valdecilla alinea a los actores estratégicos en medicina de precisión

24 de August de 2022

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Molestiae, perspiciatis tempora consequatur ratione commodi distinctio, reprehenderit, nostrum non inventore error facere. Deleniti delectus, aliquid quam neque perspiciatis officiis repellat cum.Iusto odit dolorem obcaecati consectetur voluptates at, distinctio alias tenetur neque cupiditate laboriosam facilis expedita soluta provident quas dolorum adipisci quidem modi harum perferendis corporis sapiente […]

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HUMV-IDIVAL Headache Training Course

28 de April de 2022

Taught by speakers of national and international reference. On February 14, the International Precision Medicine Forum organized by IDIVAL will begin, which will review, from the perspective of different specialties and fields of knowledge, the main aspects related to clinical research and precision medicine.

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