Validation of schizophrenia gene expression profile in a preclinical model of maternal infection during pregnancy

20 de February de 2017

Animal models of schizophrenia constitute at this moment fundamental experimentation tools to further explore on the etiological basis of this pathology, leading to the discovery of new biological targets and innovative therapeutic strategies for its treatment. Our research group Prof. Dr. Crespo-Facorro, Dr. Juan F. Lopez-Giménez (CSIC) and the research team of Prof. Dr. Gonzalez-Maeso […]

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Banco Sabadell Foundation Award for Biomedical Research 2017

19 de February de 2017

Bank Sabadell Foundation announces the 12nd Edition of Sabadell Foundation Awards in order to recognize the excellence of researchers in biomedical research, sciences and engineering, economic research and research aids in social sciences and humanities. Among the prizes proposed, the award for biomedical research is of interest in our field of research and whose characteristics […]

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New trends and future directions on reconstructive urologic surgery

The sixth session of the Programme Valdecilla Progress Reports will take place on the 22nd of February. The conference will be given by Félix Campos Juanatey, Specialist in Pneumology at Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital, Ex-contract Wenceslao López Albo. The session will be about “New trends and future directions on reconstructive urologic surgery” and is […]

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Targeted sequencing for the molecular diagnosis of diffuse large cell lymphoma B

15 de February de 2017

Institute of Health Carlos III granted the project “Targeted exonic next generation sequencing for the molecular diagnosis and cell free tumor DNA analysis as screening method for patients with DLBCL” in the call for grants Health Research and Development Strategy 2016 File Nº: PI16/01397 with the amount of 98.615€. The research project is led by Dr. Santiago […]

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Simulación clínica clave en el diseño integral de los hospitales del futuro

El Diario La Vanguardia El Día

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Conference by Dr González-Maeso from the Virginia Commonwealth University

9 de February de 2017

The second conference of Santander Biomedical Lectures Program organized by IDIVAL, the University of Cantabria and the IBBTEC will take place on the 23rd of February. The conference will be given by Dr. Javier González-Maeso, Associate Professor from the Department of Physiology and Biophysics at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine.  The session will focus on: “Epigenetic […]

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Investigadores de la UC y Valdecilla demuestran el origen de la enfermedad de Charcot-Marie-Tooth

8 de February de 2017

El Diario Montañés Alerta

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Presentation of Valdecilla Biosanitary Strategic Enhancement Program

6 de February de 2017

Next Wednesday 8 February will take place the presentation of Valdecilla Biosanitary Strategic Enhancement Program. This session will be given by Dr. Galo Peralta Fernández, Management Director of the Valdecilla Biomedical Research Institute (IDIVAL). Valdecilla Biosanitary Strategic Enhancement Program specifically focuses on the promotion and capture of talent, innovation facilitation and internationalization, all trying to […]

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Valdecilla in the editorial of the journal Science

This week the journal Science has published in the editorial a paper in which have collaborated researchers from the University Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla and the University of Cantabria. The work has also been referenced in BioCentury. This reference marks a real milestone and points out the enormous interest and projection of the discoveries that […]

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Open XIV Call for proposals for projects Mutua Madrileña Foundation

5 de February de 2017

Mutua Madrileña Foundation’s XIV Call for Health Research Grants 2017 has already been opened until March 9 at 3:00 p.m. Mutua Madrileña Foundation wants to continue giving greater relevance to clinical research excellence and therefore, this call will award 15 projects to teams of researchers with recognized experience. Projects presented should be exclusively clinical research […]

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