CIBER incorporates IDIVALs group of infection and immunity of the digestive system

5 de March de 2017

Group of Infection and Immunity of the Digestive System of IDIVAL led by from Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital and the University of Cantabria has just joined as a Group linked to CIBER. This Group focuses on the study of viral hepatitis where it has already become a national reference, and in liver fat deposition […]

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Los hologramas de realidad aumentada al servicio de la formación médica

3 de March de 2017

Salud Digital

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Luchamos por la vida entrega sus fondos a la investigación contra el cáncer

El Diario Montañés

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Investigadores españoles estudian nuevos tratamientos para la esquizofrenia

20 Minutos Europapress Infosalus Pharma Market Biotech

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La UC abre el plazo de inscripción en un curso de Nanoprevención

El Diario Montañés UNICAN Noticiapress

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Open Next – Val Call 2017 for novice researchers

2 de March de 2017

With the aim to promote support for research, recruitment and consolidation of talent, IDIVAL opens NEXT-VAL (NEXT generation VALdecilla) grants for the development of research projects led by novice researchers, in order to facilitate the development of new generations of researchers. Potential beneficiaries as main researchers of NEXT-VAL grants are those with a contractual relationship […]

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IDIVAL launches the Post-MIR Valdecilla call 2017

28 de February de 2017

In order to promote support for research, recruitment and consolidation of talent in the VALDECILLA environment. IDIVAL announces the post-MIR VALDECILLA 2017 contracts for the development of research and innovation projects in newly formed health specialists in our country. Post-MIR Valdecilla contracts have as a specific objective to promote the incorporation of excellent health professionals […]

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Dr Javier Riancho Zarrabeitia receives Juan María Parés Award

24 de February de 2017

Dr. Javier Riancho Zarrabeita a neurologist at University Hospital Marques de Valdecilla and IDIVAL has been awarded Juan María Parés Prize for the best doctoral thesis in the area of Biomedical Sciences. The jury evaluated the scientific solvency of the assignment, its innovative character as well as its applicability and ability to transfer knowledge. The […]

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Idival receives 30000 from the Association Luchemos por la Vida

22 de February de 2017

LUCHAMOS POR LA VIDA is an association that through its activities, donations and sale of merchandising raises funds that are destined to different oncological research projects. Since 2014, Luchamos por la Vida Association destines the funds raised during the year to research projects of Marqués de Valdecilla Research institute (IDIVAL). In 2014 the association collected […]

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Luchamos por la Vida entregará al Idival 30000 euros para investigar sobre el cáncer

El Diario Montañés

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