Induction of the conjugative transfer of plasmids in response to pheromones

17 de May de 2017

The Institute of Health Carlos III has funded the project “Induction of the conjugative transfer of plasmids in response to pheromones” in the call Strategic Health Action 2016, File Nº: PI 16/01535 with a budget of 74,415 €.This Project is led by Mª Victoria Francia Gil, researcher at IDIVAL Group Clinical and Molecular Microbiology. Enterococcus […]

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Cinco respuestas sobre la psicosis

12 de May de 2017

El Diario Montañés

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IDIVAL researchers participate in Pint of Science

Pint of Science is a science festival that aims to communicate contemporary scientific developments to the general public in an interesting, engaging and approachable way by bringing scientists to the pub and other accessible places. This festival is held simultaneously in bars around the world for three days. On this science festival takes part research […]

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Provisional resolution laboratory interships IDIVAL-IBBTEC 2017

11 de May de 2017

Marqués de Valdecilla Research Institute (IDIVAL) and the Biomedicine and Biotechnology Institute of Cantabria (IBBTEC) opened a call for summer internships in their laboratories. The purpose of this call is to promote experimental training for university students from the biomedical and biotech fields. These internships allow students not only to apply the knowledge acquired in […]

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Information day to introduce the COST program

10 de May de 2017

Date 6 of June Location: Madrid Address: Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, Paseo de la Castellana, 162, Madrid Observations: AGENDA The Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness holds a National Information Day for the dissemination of the COST Program between the Spanish scientific and technological community. This conference will be held on 6 June […]

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Conference Adult Neural Stem Cells no not Self-Renew Asymmetrically

9 de May de 2017

The next conference of Santander Biomedical Lectures Program organized by IDIVAL, the University of Cantabria and the IBBTEC will take place on the 25th of May. The conference will be given by Dr. Arturo Álvarez-Buylla, Professor of Neurological Surgery at the University of California, San Francisco, specialised in in neurogenesis of the adult mammalian brain. The session will […]

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Ascasam impulsa una jornada sobre salud mental el martes

7 de May de 2017


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Call PRIM-VAL for primary care research projects

This call PRIM-VAL is part of the Valdecilla Biosanitary Strategic Enhancement Program of IDIVAL focuses on capture talent and innovation. This Program of Support to Primary Care (PRIM-VAL) aims to promote innovation and research in primary care. Requirements of this call RESEARCH PROJECT Research and innovation projects related to primary care will be considered, preferably […]

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Real sitúa la salud mental entre las prioridades de la Consejería

5 de May de 2017

Redacción médica

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IDIVAL looks for talent in the Strategic Health Action 2017

4 de May de 2017

The strategic health action (AES) 2017 of the Institute of Health Carlos III has been opened. Most of the programs of the AES 2017 prioritize actions of research and innovation in the health environment and especially in health research institutes accredited as IDIVAL.  IDIVAL, according to its strategic lines, offers positions within the institute in […]

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