IDIVAL leads a multicenter study on axial spondyloarthritis disease

8 de May de 2023

The results of the latest study will allow progress to be made in the design of specific strategies for the management of cardiovascular risk according to sex. The ‘Immunopathology’ group of the Marqués de Valdecilla Health Research Institute (IDIVAL) coordinates a multicenter study with a dozen Spanish hospitals to investigate cardiovascular risk in patients with […]

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Around 200 people from all over Spain debated innovation in the field of healthcare

5 de May de 2023

Artificial intelligence, intra-entrepreneurship and big data were some of the key topics of the ` I National Forum on Innovation Management in Healthcare The Marqués de Valdecilla Health Research Institute (IDIVAL) together with the Ministry of Health of the Government of Cantabria organized on April 28 the 1st National Forum on Innovation Management in Healthcare […]

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Approved the call 2023 of the ATRAE program specifically aimed at attracting R4 researchers

The Council of Ministers has approved this Wednesday the call 2023 of the ATRAE program specifically aimed at attracting R4 researchers, the highest echelon of a consolidated scientific career, to our universities and public research organizations. This program will serve to hire a minimum of 25 PhDs with more than seven years of postdoctoral experience […]

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Dr. Francisco Sánchez Madrid, member of IDIVAL’s external board, receives the Robert Koch research award

Francisco Sánchez Madrid, member of IDIVAL’s External Council and Head of the Immunology Service of the Hospital Universitario de La Princesa has received the Robert Koch Award 2023. The immunologist and professor at Harvard University in Boston, Timothy Springer, has also been awarded this prize for their important joint research in Immunology. Both were pioneers […]

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United for a Challenge’ collaborates one more year with IDIVAL’s Alzheimer’s research

4 de May de 2023

These donations are destined to study Alzheimer’s markers to detect people at high risk of suffering from this disease in the future. IDIVAL has received one more year the visit of Oscar Negrete and Fernando Cerro from the association ‘Unidos por un Reto’ to make a donation of 800€ that will be destined to Alzheimer’s […]

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Forum Rare Diseases in Adults

A forum organized by IDIVAL and given by world renowned experts who will present advances in the field of rare diseases.   The next module of the International Forum on Precision Medicine will begin next Monday, May 8, and will review the different lines of research in the field of rare diseases. A forum mainly […]

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Blood test could detect and monitor rare neurodegenerative disease SCA3

3 de May de 2023

The results open the possibility of using 5 genes identified as markers that correlate with the severity of the disease in the brain. The `Neurodegenerative Diseases´ group of the Marqués de Valdecilla Health Research Institute (IDIVAL) led by Dr. Jon Infante Ceberio has participated in a european multicenter study with the aim of identifying genes […]

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New study reveals genetic causes of patients with reduced phosphorus levels

20 de April de 2023

The research team from IDIVAL, HUMV and Sierrallana Hospital indicates that the results could help to prescribe the appropriate treatment and prevent complications. Identifying the causes of the decrease in the concentration of phosphorus in the blood was the main objective of the study carried out by the research team belonging to the Marqués de […]

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IDIVAL’s PRIM-VAL call for research projects in primary care is now open

10 de April de 2023

Applications may be submitted until 10 May at the following link   The PRIM-VAL call seeks to promote IDIVAL’s primary care research and innovation by partially or fully funding projects developed in this field. Project requirements Research and innovation projects will be considered on topics related to the field of primary care, preferably patient care, […]

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IDIVAL researchers explain the origin of COVID-19 headache and diarrhoea, two of the most frequent symptoms of this infection

This study sheds light on the processes that cause these ailments and possible future treatments. A research team from the Marqués de Valdecilla Health Research Institute (IDIVAL) and the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital (HUMV) has demonstrated the involvement of a molecule, a peptide known as CGRP, in COVID-19 infection, specifically in headache and diarrhoea, […]

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