La Caixa health research call for proposals

30 de November de 2017

The “La Caixa” Banking Foundation is launching a new call for applications for biomedicine and health research project grants with a view to identifying and promoting the most promising initiatives of scientific excellence with the greatest value, potential and social impact. The research projects may be basic, clinical or translational. This new call will take […]

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IDIVAL creates a brain bank

19 de November de 2017

Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital and the Biomedical Research Institute (IDIVAL) have set in motion a brain bank to collect, process, store and transfer biological samples donated by patients and individuals without neurological pathology to be used in research projects. This brain bank is coordinated by Dr. Nuria Terán, from the Pathological Anatomy Unit, and […]

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The European Commission has published the Working Progremmes for Horizon 2020 during 2018-2020

13 de November de 2017

The European Commission  has announced how it will spend €30 billion of the EU research and innovation funding programme Horizon 2020 during 2018-2020. The working programme detail the research priorities that will be financed in the calls for proposals. In the Participant Portal, you can consult the Working Programs and the detail of the calls for proposals […]

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II Edition course guidelines in good clinical practice

11 de November de 2017

The Biomedical Research Institute Marqués de Valdecilla (IDIVAL) organizes the II edition of the course “Guidelines in Good Clinical Practice” directed to all the medical personnel of Cantabria that are interested in clinical investigation. The course will take place from the 27th of November to the 1st of December. With this training activity, IDIVAL is […]

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Conference Clinicopathological classification of neurodegenerative diseases

Gabor G. Kovacs is Associate Professor in the Institute of Neurology, Medical University of Vienna, Austria. After receiving his MD degree, his work has been devoted to neurology and neuropathology, i.e. the study of tissue alterations in diseases of the nervous system for diagnostic and research purposes. Gabor G. Kovacs is working on the Surveillance […]

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One more year IDIVAL takes part in the Science Week

1 de November de 2017

IDIVAL Clinical and Molecular Microbiology group will participate in the Science Week, one of the most important scientific events of the year in Europe. On days 6, 9, and 16 of November, IDIVAL will be open to the Cantabrian high school students, to show their daily work in an attractive way, in which students can […]

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Complete response under sorafenib in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma

Sorafenib is the principal (and until recently the only) first-line systemic treatment for patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Despite having been shown to improve survival in 2 randomized clinical trials compared with placebo [Llovet JM et al. N Engl J Med. 2008; 359: 378-90 and Chen A-L et al. Lancet Oncol. 2009; 10: 25-34] […]

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Schizophrenia disrupts the brains entire communication system

23 de October de 2017

Some 40 years since CT scans first revealed abnormalities in the brains of schizophrenia patients, we can now say, that in general (not all patients have) the disorder is a systemic disruption to the brain's entire communication system. This week, the Nature journal Molecular Psychiatry published the largest analysis of “white matter” (fatty brain tissue […]

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Guillain-Barré syndrome revised by our experts

17 de October de 2017

Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is an immune-mediated cause of acute neuromuscular paralysis. During the last three decades, the Neurology Service (University Hospital Marques de Valdecilla), collaborating with the Clinical Neurophysiology, Radiology, Pathological Anatomy, and the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology of the University of Cantabria (UC) have done epidemiological, clinical-pathological and nerve ultrasound investigations in […]

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Results INNVAL call 2017

As part of the Valdecilla Biosanitary Program, after its success in 2016, IDIVAL called INN-VAL 2017 (VALdecilla INNovación Projects). The aim of these grants is to promote innovation through financing a partial or complete project that facilitate the collaboration of the health sector, the university environment and companies. According to the basis of the call, […]

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