Pelones colabora con IDIVAL en promover investigación hematología pediátrica

13 de May de 2018

El Diario Montañés Europapress

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Next Conference Santander Biomedical Lectures

24 de April de 2018

The next conference of the Santander Biomedical Lectures program organized by IDIVAL, the University of Cantabria and IBBTEC will take place on the 26th of April. The session will be given by Jorge Galán and will be about: “Pathogen restriction and host specificity: insights from the human pathogen Salmonella Typhi”.  Jorge Galán is Chair of the Microbial […]

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IV edition workshops VIVE LA CIENCIA

13 de April de 2018

The fourth edition of the workshops “¡VIVE LA CIENCIA!” took place in March. These workshops were about the initiation in biomedical research in which researchers of IDIVAL have participated.  The workshops were designed to promote the scientific vocations of local students in the biosanitary field. These workshops consisted of theorical-practice classes where IDIVAL’s researchers showed […]

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Next – Val call for novice researchers

With the aim to promote support for research, recruitment and consolidation of talent, IDIVAL opens the fourth edition of the NEXT-VAL (NEXT generation VALdecilla) grants for the development of research projects led by novice researchers, in order to facilitate the development of new generations of researchers. Potential beneficiaries as main researchers of NEXT-VAL grants are […]

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Cantabria recibe 760000 euros para mejorar la calidad de vida de jóvenes con enfermedades crónicas

11 de April de 2018

El diario Montañés 20 Minutos ABC Europapress

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Valdecilla se sube a la evolución tecnológica de Medicina Nuclear

El Diario Montañés Alerta ConSalud

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Call Intensification of research – Valdecilla

10 de April de 2018

Within the call Valdecilla Biosanitary Promotion Program 2018, IDIVAL launches the intensification program. This programme (Int-Val) release clinical practitioners with heavy research and/or innovation workloads from their other duties. IDIVAL funds the part-time or full-time substitution of doctors or nurses involved in research or innovation projects. The activity covered by this substitution includes the development […]

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Next Conference Progress Reports

The following session of the program of lectures Valdecilla Progress Reports will take place on April 11 and it will be given by María Iglesias, Dept. of Autoimmunity and Trasplantation, and María Carcelen, group of cytokines and growth factors pathological tissue plasticity phenomena at the Instituto de Investigación Valdecilla (IDIVAL), who will present their scientific […]

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Ensayan con inmunoterapia para aumentar la supervivencia con cáncer de vejiga

9 de April de 2018


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Cantabria lidera por primera vez un proyecto de investigación europeo en el ámbito sanitario a través del SCS

Acta Sanitaria El Diario Montañés Europa Press El

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