Diagnosing before the first symptoms

7 de March de 2019

The calcified aortic stenosis (AD) is the third most frequent cardiovascular disease in developed countries, after coronary heart disease and hypertension, with a prevalence of 0.4% in the general population and 1.7% in the population older than 65. It is characterized by progressive thickening and calcification of the valves of the aortic valve that, over […]

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Publicated the call for Strategic Action in Health 2019

6 de January de 2019

The call for the Strategic Action in Health 2019 of the Carlos III Health Institute has been published today with the following deadlines for submitting a request for help: a) Performances supported by the State Subprograms of Training, Incorporation and Mobility. 1. PFIS Contracts: March 5 to April 9, 2019 2. i-PFIS Contracts: March 5 […]

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Resolution of concession Predoctoral Contracts IDIVAL-Cantabria University 2018

The resolution of concession of the call Predoctoral Contracts IDIVAL-University of Cantabria has just been published. This call is aimed at graduates who are going to develop their doctoral thesis in the biosanitary environment of Cantabria through a predoctoral contract of 4 years. They will be considered selected candidates from the list published in the […]

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Program of sessions Valdecilla Progress Reports first quarter 2019

Within its talent development and dissemination and knowledge exchange program, IDIVAL programs the sessions of the first quarter of 2019 Valdecilla Progress Report In this program, young researchers from the clinical field and IDIVAL's laboratories present scientific advances in their current research projects. Speakers will be predoctoral contracts, researchers Post-MIR Valdecilla López Albo, etc. They […]

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Creation of the National Catalog of Health Sciences ISCIII

The Marquesa de Pelayo Library, depends organically of IDIVAL, has participated in the design and implementation of the National Catalog of Health Sciences (CNCS) led by the National Library of Health Sciences, recently presented at the Madrid office of ISCIII. The catalog reflects the printed and electronic funds of all libraries specialized in Health Sciences […]

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Call of the Innovative Medicines Initiative IMI2

26 de December de 2018

The updated texts of the topics of the next edition of the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI2), corresponding to the recently published Work Program of 2019 (more info, HERE), have already been published. It is a call in two phases. Phase 1 will open prospectively on January 22, 2019. The topics considered are the following: Optimising […]

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MIRCAST a study in the european field leaded by IDIVAL and HUMV starts data recruitment in October

26 de October de 2018

      MIRCAST study is an international multicenter study led for all of participating centers from IDIVAL. The objective of this study is to evaluate the different ways of performing the intestinal anastomosis after the minimally invasive right colectomy and to determine if the robotic instruments have an added value in these procedures. MIRCAST […]

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IDIVAL receives the European certification of human resources HRS4R

20 de October de 2018

IDIVAL has just received the award of excellence in human resources known as HRS4R. This seal implies recognition by the Euraxess of compliance with European standards in human resources management in research by IDIVAL. To obtain it, a team composed of researchers and management personnel has carried out an analysis of the situation of the […]

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Resolution of the call for Idival projects addressed to primary care

18 de October de 2018

  IDIVAL has published a call for the support of research projects in primary care within the biomedical program Valdecilla for the second consecutive year. The budget of the call is 30,000 euros and supports projects especially focused on the care of patients, chronic diseases and highly prevalent diseases, led by health professionals who develop […]

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Second Tichron project meeting led by the SCS and IDIVAL

20 de September de 2018

The meeting, arranged by the French partners, it will be held in Purpan, Toulouse, in the Paule de Viguier University Hospital, the days 15th and 16th of October.  This meeting will be useful for all partners, ACCOMIP (France), MEDES (France), Minho’s University (Portugal), FUTURE BALLONS (Portugal), CTIC (Spain) and the SCS with IDIVAL as leaders, […]

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