Researchers from IDIVAL have studied bacteria resistant to antibiotics isolated in transplanted patients

4 de July de 2019

Patients with solid organ transplants, due to the transplant process itself, hospital admission and immunosuppression, among other factors, are frequently colonized or infected by antibiotic resistant bacteria. In a study published recently in the Scientific Reports journal [doi: 10.1038 / s41598-019-45060-y], IDIVAL researchers belonging to the group of Epidemiology and Pathogenic and Molecular Mechanisms of […]

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Update of the Work Programs of the Horizon Program for 2020

The European Commission has published the update of the Work Programs of the Horizon 2020 program for 2020. Among the Programs published the Social Challenge 1 can be found: Health, Demographic Change and Welfare through which they will be financed, with a budget of 660 million €, collaborative projects, complementary actions and coordination through different […]

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28 de June de 2019

The Call gives researchers from diverse sectors the opportunity to participate in ambitious public-private partnerships that will pave the way for the development of the medicines of the future.  Why apply?  Obtain research funding  Take part in scientifically excellent, patient-centric research  Join unique consortia involving top teams from industry, academia, SMEs, regulators, and others  Benefit […]

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Cerebral molecular image with 11C-PIB PETCT in the evolution of cognitive impairment

24 de June de 2019

Last May, the British journal “Nuclear Medicine Communications” published the work entitled “A 5-year longitudinal evaluation in patients with mild cognitive impairment by 11C-PIB PET / CT: a visual analysis” that gathers results of the longitudinal study that the Service of Nuclear Medicine of the University Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla (HUMV) and the Molecular Imaging […]

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Dr Valentín Fuster awarded by IDIVAL for his research career

20 de June de 2019

Within the framework of the XIIth Inter-regional Health Meeting organized at the Menéndez Pelayo International University by Joaquín Cayón, Head of Legal Services of the Ministry of Health of the Government of Cantabria, and Jorge Tomillo, Professor of Commercial Law of the University of Cantabria; the Health Counselor, María Luisa del Real has granted Dr. […]

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Valdecilla and IDIVAL discover a genetic variant that protects against Alzheimers and various forms of dementia

16 de June de 2019

Researchers of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital and the Valdecilla Sanitary Research Institute Foundation (IDIVAL) have discovered that a genetic variant in the PLCG2 gene protects against several forms of dementia. According to the results of the study, carried out in collaboration with researchers from the UMC University of Amsterdam, this genetic variation not […]

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Next Conference Santander Biomedical Lectures

12 de June de 2019

The next conference of the Santander Biomedical Lectures program organized by IDIVAL, the University of Cantabria and IBBTEC will take place on the 20th of June. The session will be given by Martin O’Halloran and will be about: “Medical Device Innovation Programmes in Ireland”. Dr Martin O'Halloran is a Senior Lecturer in Medical Electronics at […]

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Researchers from IDIVAL and Valdecilla develop for the first time an experimental model for the study of a new variant of the autistic spectrum

11 de June de 2019

The research group “Cell Signalling and Therapeutic Targets in Cancer” of the Valdecilla Health Research Institute Foundation (IDIVAL) and the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital have genetically identified a new variant of the autistic spectrum in a pediatric patient by applying techniques of massive sequencing. Known as the ADNP syndrome, the identification of this variant […]

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Dr Marcos López Hoyos is proclaimed incoming president of the Spanish Society of Immunology

7 de June de 2019

Dr. Marcos López Hoyos, Head of the Immunology Service of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital (Santander, Cantabria) and principal investigator of the Transplant and Autoimmunity IDIVAL group, has been proclaimed incoming President of the SEI (Spanish Society of Immunology).  The result of the elections was 100 votes in favor and 5 votes blank. The […]

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UIMP Meeting RRI in Spain and its model of incorporation in Health Research Institutes

29 de May de 2019

This UIMP meeting, co-organized by the Health Institute Carlos III and IDIVAL is dedicated to Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). The RRI requires participation from broad deliberation forums that reinforce the democratic spirit of our society in the field of research and innovation. Its own generation needs of starting points based on open and transparent […]

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