IDIVAL patents a multivalent vaccine against listeriosis tuberculosis and pneumonia

2 de September de 2019

After the last outbreak of listeriosis occurred in Spain, the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes, has established itself in Spain as one of the pathogens causing more virulent food infections. In general, immunocompromised individuals are those with a high risk of listeriosis, either due to natural immunosuppression such as pregnancy, newborns or the elderly, or due to […]

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IV Program of Conferences Santander Biomedical Lectures

26 de August de 2019

Following the success achieved in the past programs of Santander Biomedical Lectures, IDIVAL introduces the fourth program of conferences. World’s prestigious and recognized researchers for their international contributions.  For a consecutive year, the Cantabria Research Forum, made up of the Cantabrian Health Service together with the Valdecilla Research Institute (IDIVAL), the University of Cantabria (UC) […]

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Study the use of beta-lactam monotherapy in bacteremia caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa

13 de August de 2019

IDIVAL researchers belonging to the group of Epidemiology and Pathogenic and Molecular Mechanisms of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology led by Dr. Carmen Fariñas, head of the Infectious Service of the Marqués de Valdecilla Hospital have participated in a study recently published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases. This is a multinational and multicenter study in […]

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Progress in the treatment of bladder cancer

12 de August de 2019

Cancer represents a major health problem. It is estimated that, in 2019, almost 280,000 people will be diagnosed with this disease in our country. These figures are higher than in previous years. The most common tumors in Spain are those of the colon, prostate, breast, lung and urinary bladder. As the number of new diagnoses […]

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Course of Standards of Good Clinical Practice IDIVAL

8 de August de 2019

The Marqués de Valdecilla Research Institute (IDIVAL) organizes from September 9th to 13th a course of Standards of Good Clinical Practice aimed at all those personnel of the biosanitary environment of Cantabria that have an interest in clinical research. This training activity it is intended to give these professionals the necessary tools for their participation […]

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Two new cases of lymphoma B lymphoplasmacytic IgA with mutation of MYD88L265P

7 de August de 2019

Recently, the description of two cases of IgA lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma B with MYD88L265P mutation has been published in the journal HISTOPATHOLOGY (FI 3,294, JCR). In this work, in which medical researchers from the IDIVAL Emerging Group of Translational Hematopathology and doctors from the Pathology and Hematology Department of the HUMV have participated, two extremely unusual […]

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Decreased levels of TNF-alpha in women treated with CPAP

6 de August de 2019

Researchers of the SPANISH SLEEP GROUP belonging to IDIVAL and who carry out their clinical and research activity in the Sleep and Ventilation Unit of our hospital have just published a new paper belonging to the cohort of the SAHS study and women. This multicenter study, which has been funded by the Carlos III Health […]

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The moment of implant-removal influences late acute periprosthetic joint infection

5 de August de 2019

Currently the same therapeutic management is recommended in all acute infections of joint prostheses, both in late acute infection (patient with normal function of the prosthesis after 3 months of implantation and with onset of symptoms of

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The added value of headache care units

31 de July de 2019

Headache is the most frequent neurological reason for medical consultation at all levels of care. In our country there are few Specialized Units in Headache; The majority of patients sent by headache from Primary Care are treated in general neurology consultations. There are very few data in the literature that have analyzed whether medical care […]

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The Valdecilla Digestive team with impact on prestigious journals

30 de July de 2019

Liver disease due to fat deposition is an emerging entity in liver pathology. The most frequent causes are alcohol consumption and / or obesity / metabolic syndrome among others (drug toxicity, autoimmune diseases etc). Dr. Cabezas with the support of Dr. Crespo, Head of the Digestive System Service and thanks to the support of the […]

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