The IDIVAL participates in the European GEMSTONE Network

7 de October de 2019

The IDIVAL is a member of GEMSTONE, a recently granted COST action. COST actions are projects funded by the European Union with the objective of creating and strengthening international research networks. GEMSTONE (GEnomics of MusculoSkeletal traits TransnatiOnal Network) aims to enhance the investigation of the genetic and genomic factors involved in skeletal diseases and their […]

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Concession of a Health Research Fund Project FIS to the Cardiovascular Research group

4 de October de 2019

The Cardiovascular Research group led by Dr. De La Torre has obtained funding from the Carlos III Health Institute in the last call of the recently resolved National Plan. Coronary heart disease and its consequences are leaders in morbidity and mortality and resource consumption in developed countries like ours. Population aging and longer life expectancy […]

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Open the call RDi Projects 2019 – Modalities Research Challenges and Knowledge Generation

The deadline for requesting R&D Projects «Research Challenges» and «Knowledge Generation» 2019 until 10/17/2019 opens, with a total budget of € 362,000,000. The objective of the State R&D&i Program Oriented to the Challenges of the Company is to finance the execution of «R&D&i Projects», within the framework of the State Program for the Generation of […]

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GILEAD Grants for the execution of medical education projects and activities

3 de October de 2019

Considering that the generation of scientific knowledge in the field of health sciences, its dissemination and application to the healthcare activity constitutes a key element to achieve progress and improve the living conditions of citizens, GILEAD SCIENCES has been actively developing a policy of promotion and support for the realization of educational programs aimed at […]

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The call for State RDi Program oriented to the Challenges of the Society is open

2 de October de 2019

The application period for R&D Projects «Collaboration Challenges» 2019 opens until 10/24/2019, with a total budget of €260,000,000. The objective of the Challenges-Collaboration call is to support experimental development projects in cooperation between companies and research organizations, in order to promote the development of new technologies, the business application of new ideas and techniques, and […]

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IV Edition Theoretical Practical Course of Fundamentals of Optical and Electronic Microscopy Preparation of samples

Aim: To make known the fundamentals of optical and electronic microscopy, as well as the theoretical and practical bases of the preparation of biological samples to optimize the obtaining of images by means of these technologies. Analyze and present results. Addressed to: graduates and technicians in health sciences and pre and post-doctoral research staff. Venues: […]

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Presentation of the IV Cycle of the Santander Biomedical Lectures sessions

1 de October de 2019

After the success achieved in the previous cycles of the Santander Biomedical Lectures sessions, the speakers of the fourth cycle of conferences composed of prestigious researchers recognized worldwide for their international contributions are presented. For the consecutive year the Cantabria Research Forum, integrated by the Cantabrian Health Service together with the Valdecilla Research Institute (IDIVAL), […]

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Resolution of the concession of PRIM-VAL grants 2019

The PRIM-VAL grants are part of the IDIVAL grants program that are contemplated in the IDIVAL Valdecilla 2018 Biosanitary Strategic Dynamism Program. The Program to support research projects in primary care (PRIM-VAL) aims to promote innovation and research in primary care. According to the bases of the Valdecilla Biosanitary Dynamism Program published on the IDIVAL […]

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Granting of two projects of the Health Research Fund FIS to the Nanomedicine group

The multidisciplinary research group of nanomedicine-IDIVAL belonging to the NanoBioAp network (@NanoBioAp) has just won two research projects in the AES2019 call (PI19 / 00496 and DTS19 / 00033). Their objective is to develop a precision system for the diagnosis and non-invasive therapy of head and neck cancer. It is estimated that the incidence is […]

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Cantabria awarded in the Call for Reference Sites 2019 of the European Association for Active and Healthy Aging Innovation

30 de September de 2019

We are pleased to announce that Cantabria (Marqués de Valdecilla Health Research Institute, IDIVAL) has been awarded ONE star as a result of the 2019 Call for Reference Sites of the European Innovation Partnership of Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA). Cantabria (Marqués de Valdecilla Health Research Institute, IDIVAL) will join a total of […]

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