The combined use of biocompatible scaffolding and genetic silencing new approach to bone regeneration

30 de October de 2019

The central role of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) in Regenerative Medicine derives, in large part, from their ability to differentiate into different cell types. The induction of proliferation and differentiation to osteoblasts of MSCs forms the basis of bone regenerative therapies. Osteogenic differentiation of MSCs is a complex process regulated simultaneously by different signaling routes, […]

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Final resolution of the NEXT-VAL 2019 call

29 de October de 2019

In accordance with the bases of the call published on the IDIVAL website, once the projects admitted for processing have been evaluated and two resignations have been received in the last 7 days established, funding is granted to the following projects: REFERENCE MAIN RESEARCHER GRANTED NVAL 19/05 Demetrio Pablo, Rosalía 10.200 € NVAL 19/22 Rueda […]

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Concession of a hemato-oncology project of GILEAD Sciences to the IDIVAL research group of Translational Hematopathology

28 de October de 2019

Recently, after the evaluation by international experts carried out by the Carlos III Health Institute, the 7th Call for Research Projects on HIV, Liver Diseases and Hemato-oncology of GILEAD Sciences has been resolved in which the “Liquid biopsy for the molecular diagnosis of DLBCL patients treated in clinical trials (GLD19 / 00041)” research project lead by […]

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Second conference Santander Biomedical Lectures

Next Thursday, October 31, the 2nd conference of the 4th edition of the Santander Biomedical Lectures program organized by IDIVAL, the University of Cantabria and the IBBTEC will take place given by Dr. Germán Fajardo with the title “Panorama of medical education in Latin America and its possible collaboration with Europe, are we doing what […]

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IDIVAL participates in the INTENCIVE -project kick off meeting

24 de October de 2019

Project started with a kick-off meeting 9th -10th of October 2019 in Seinäjoki, Finland. Objectives of the meeting were to start a good and productive co-operation with the project partners by getting to know each other and to form a common understanding about the project goals and ways to achieve them. During the first day, […]

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Santander will host the next Congress of the National Biobank Network 2020

The candidacy of BIOBANCO VALDECILLA, has been selected for the organization of the XI CONGRESS OF THE NATIONAL BIOBANK NETWORK – SANTANDER 2020 From now on the countdown begins with the clear objective of making it a success both for your organization, as for its contents, speakers and participants. The Congress that will be held in […]

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Socorrism and first aid Course

23 de October de 2019

Date: Thursday 11/28/2019 Last day to apply: Monday 25/11/2019 Hours: from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Number of places: maximum 15 people Place: IDIVAL building, 3rd floor, multipurpose room. Intended for: IDIVAL staff Objective: Learn the protocol of action in case of accident in the company. Duration: 4 hours Teacher qualification: Doctor or DUE of […]

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Labor Harassment Discrimination and violence at work Course at IDIVAL

Date: Wednesday 06/11/2019 Last day to apply: Sunday 03/11/2019 Schedule: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Nº students: maximum 8 people Place: IDIVAL building, 3rd floor, Multipurpose room. Addressed to: Idival staff. Recommended to those responsible for work teams. Objective: To know the concepts of Psychosocial Risk and the different types of Harassment and what factors […]

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Valdecilla researcher patents two devices for the treatment of the open abdomen

22 de October de 2019

Dr. Federico Castillo Suescun, has patented with the help of IDIVAL two devices whose use can contribute to improve the prognosis of patients with an open abdomen, a very serious medical condition, with a mortality rate of 70%. His project is now in search of financing for its development with an improved design and the […]

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Resolution of the Wenceslao López Albo Post-MIR Call 2019

21 de October de 2019

The aim of the Post-MIR contracts is to promote the incorporation of health professionals with an excellent profile who have completed the period of specialized training in any Hospital of the National Health System, to the translational research activity and healthcare innovation of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital. This call requires submitting a research […]

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