1 de March de 2021

IDIVAL announces the NEXT-VAL (NEXT generation VALdecilla) program within the call for the Valdecilla 2020 Biosanitary Revitalization Plan, aimed at emerging researchers. This call, which promotes young talent and wants to facilitate the first leap for researchers to obtain competitive funding. This call tries to cover a gap that has increased in recent years due […]

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The PsicAP study proposes adding a psychological treatment in PC

The PsicAP project is the largest mental health care clinical trial ever conducted in Spain to date, about the efficacy of psychological treatment for people with emotional disorders in Primary Care (PC). The study has just published its results in the journal Psychological Medicine. The results confirm that adding a group psychological treatment of 7 […]

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Course Trends in Clinical Research

The Marqués de Valdecilla Research Institute (IDIVAL) organizes from April 12 to May 13 a Course on Trends in Clinical Research aimed at all those personnel from the biosanitary environment of Cantabria who have an interest in clinical research. The aim is to give to these professionals the specific knowledge for participation in clinical trials […]

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BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards

23 de February de 2021

BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards recognize fundamental contributions in a broad array of areas of scientific knowledge, technology, humanities and artistic creation. The disciplines and domains of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards are: Basic Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics) Biology and Biomedicine Information and Communication Technologies Ecology and Conservation Biology Climate Change Economics, Finance and Management Humanities […]

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Regional call for programmes to drive biomedical research for 2021

8 de February de 2021

Published in the Official Gazette of Cantabria on December 29, 2020, the Regional call 2021 to drive biomedical research includes 11 research support programs for an estimated grant amount of more than € 1M, aimed at promoting research, innovation and intrapreneurship in the biosanitary field of Cantabria. The 10 programs as a whole prioritize talent, […]

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CaixaImpulse program

28 de January de 2021

Caixa Impulse program promotes the creation of companies and products in the field of life and health sciences. The program supports innovative projects throughout broad stages of development: from initial validation stages to the point of attraction of private investment or the establishment of agreements with the industry. The program is divided into two different […]

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Resistance test in the Cantabrian Health Service against COVID-19

14 de December de 2020

The crisis generated by the pandemic derived from COVID-19 in extreme contingency scenarios presents a terrible dilemma: first, it is to protect the health of citizens, although that can hibernate the economy and cause a reduction in income with unequal effects by socioeconomic gradient and by Regional Health Service. In this sense, the Transversal Group […]

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IDIVAL participates in promoted IMPaCT programs

10 de December de 2020

  On November 20, the provisional resolution for the granting of subsidies for the “Infrastructure of Precision Medicine associated with Science and Technology (IMPaCT)” of the Strategic Action in Health 2017-2020 was published.   IMPaCT is an R + D + i action aimed at the implementation of Precision Medicine in the National Health System […]

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IDIVAL announces a new internship contract for research support technicians Valdecilla Tec-val

Of the two TEC-VAL contracts called within the Biosanitary Revitalization Plan Aid Program this year, of which only one was covered, IDIVAL once again announces a temporary internship labor contract for the training of support technicians in the Testing Unit Valdecilla clinics (“Tec-Val” Program). The purpose of this program is to promote the professional practice […]

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SBL Session Vaccines for COVID A new challenge a new development

On December 17, Antonio Fernández, M.D. Director, Business Development & Government Affairs of Johnson & Johnson, gives an online presentation under the title “Vaccines for COVID. A new challenge, a new development ”. Antonio Fernández has a degree in Medicine from the University of Navarra and a graduate of the Executive Development Program of the […]

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