IDIVAL grants to projects in the field of Chronic care

18 de April de 2017

IDIVAL publishes the Innovation Support Program to chronic patient care (INNyCRON). The Program’s objective is to facilitate and promote innovation projects related with the Cantabria Chronicity Strategy. The INNyCRON call is part of the Chronicity Strategy of Cantabria in which the Ministry of Health and the Cantabrian Health Service, which are the promoters of this […]

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Summer internships for university students at IDIVAL and IBBTEC

2 de April de 2017

Marqués de Valdecilla Research Institute (IDIVAL) and the Biomedicine and Biotechnology Institute of Cantabria (IBBTEC) open a new call of summer internships in their laboratories. These grants have already been called in previous years and have been a success. The purpose of this call is to promote experimental training for university students from the biomedical […]

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INN-VAL call for innovation projects in Valdecilla

21 de March de 2017

Inn-Val Call, for the development of innovation projects in Valdecilla University Hospital, is opened until de the 30th of April. IDIVAL focus on promoting the development of healthcare innovation projects and the transfer of knowledge to the society and market, in addition to integrating agents of the health environment, companies and the University of Cantabria. This call […]

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Open Next – Val Call 2017 for novice researchers

2 de March de 2017

With the aim to promote support for research, recruitment and consolidation of talent, IDIVAL opens NEXT-VAL (NEXT generation VALdecilla) grants for the development of research projects led by novice researchers, in order to facilitate the development of new generations of researchers. Potential beneficiaries as main researchers of NEXT-VAL grants are those with a contractual relationship […]

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Idival Valdecilla Mentoring is open

30 de January de 2017

According to the strategy of Valdecilla Biosanitary Strategic Health Program 2017 to attract talent, IDIVAL has convened Valdecilla Mentoring, a mentoring program for new residents. This program, aimed to future specialists of University Hospital Marques de Valdecilla, promotes the recruitment of graduates who have achieved a leading number in the MIR exam and proposes a […]

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IDIVAL calls for a research managers fellowship

27 de January de 2017

IDIVAL convenes for a third year a 24-month fellowship that can be extended to 36 months of research management training. The selected candidate will develop a tutored training itinerary, specifically designed, with periodic evaluations and presentation of an annual report (in the last month of each year) with a tutor's report that should be positive […]

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IDIVAL launches its strategic program for health research promotion

26 de January de 2017

The Valdecilla Biosanitary Strategic Enhancement Program specifically focuses on the promotion and capture of talent, innovation facilitation and internationalization, all trying to incorporate the new generation of clinical researchers, and specifically including Primary Care and Nursing, knowledge generating agents of our region and companies. It has the 9 support subprograms:     1. Post-Mir Valdecilla Program. Research contracts […]

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Call IDIVAL-UC definitive resolution of applications admitted

22 de December de 2016

Director of the Institute Marques de Valdecilla (IDIVAL) and Vice-Chancellor of Research and Knowledge Transfer of the University of Cantabria resolve the call for aid for the contracts of the Research Staff Program in predoctoral training in the area of biomedicine, Biotechnology and health sciences.  Once the allegations submitted to the proposed provisional solution have […]

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IDIVAL resolves calls for projects for young researchers innovation and intensification projects

14 de December de 2016

IDIVAL calls an Annual Programme of Grants to foster research and these grants promote mainly training, talent capture, innovation and internationalization. These programmes are: 1- Post MIR Valdecilla Programme. Research contracts for residents who have completed their specialization. 2- Support Valdecilla Programme. Supporting Idival´s research groups. 3- Research Managers Programme. Grant to train technicians in […]

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Predoctoral Call IDIVAL-UC 2016 Provisional resolution of applications admitted and rejected

25 de November de 2016

On the 25th of November has been published the provisional resolution of candidates with the scoring of the predoctoral candidates of the grant IDIVAL-UC. The candidates consider selected will be the first two candidates with the best punctuation for each research field and the best application evaluated remaining.   Candidates selected:  • Directors Professors/researchers of […]

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