Presentation of the results of 2017 INNyCRON call

8 de October de 2017

The presentation of the results of the INNyCRON Call will take place on 31 October at 12:30p.m. in the Assembly Hall at Tower B of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital. At this presentation will attend the Minister of Health and the Manager of the Cantabrian Health Service, and next, projects will be presented. The […]

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Predoctoral aids Predoctoral Research Program UNICAN-IDIVAL

1 de October de 2017

25th of September 2017, resolution from the Vice-Rector of Research and Knowledge Transfer (UC) and IDIVAL Management Director, which makes public the provisional list of applications admitted, excluded and pending of rectification, to the call for predoctoral contracts in the area of biomedicine, biotechnology and health sciences, published by Resolution of June 12, 2017. Resolution […]

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IDIVAL supports research in primary care

22 de August de 2017

IDIVAL has published the resolution of the Prim-Val Call, aids to primary care research projects included in the Valdecilla Biosanitary Strategic Enhancement Program 2017. The Prim-Val Grant (Research Projects in Primary Care Valdecilla) has been convened in 2017 for the first time to fund primary care research projects. These projects are led by primary care […]

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Results of the NEXT-VAL Call

16 de August de 2017

Within Valdecilla Biosanitary Strategic Enhancement Program, IDIVAL has called the NEXT-VAL (NEXT generation VALdecilla) grant for the development of research projects led by novel researchers, in order to facilitate the development of new generations of researchers. According to the terms of the call, the main researchers of the projects are under the age of 40, […]

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Call for predoctoral contracts IDIVAL University of Cantabria

30 de June de 2017

IDIVAL and the University of Cantabria launch the third call for predoctoral contracts, offering 7 contracts of up to 4 years of duration for the development of doctoral thesis. The aim of this call is to promote the training of doctors in programs of solvency formative and research. This is an advertising, objectivity and competitive […]

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19th research projects national call Nursing Valdecilla

4 de June de 2017

IDIVAL, in collaboration with the Nursing Department of the Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital, has opened the 19th Edition of the National Call for Research Projects “Nursing Valdecilla” a pioneering call in this field, which has acquired considerable prestige in our country, after 18 previous editions. This call has the support of Caja Cantabria Foundation […]

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Resolution call Post-MIR Wenceslao López Albo 2017

28 de May de 2017

This post-MIR contracts aim to promote the incorporation of excellent health professionals who have completed the period of specialized training in any Hospital of the National Health System, to the translational research activity and assistance innovation of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital. This call requires submitting a research project or assistance innovation. According to […]

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Definitive resolution Summer internships IDIVALIBBTEC

24 de May de 2017

Marqués de Valdecilla Research Institute (IDIVAL) and the Biomedicine and Biotechnology Institute of Cantabria (IBBTEC) opened a call for summer internships in their laboratories in April.  The purpose of this call is to promote experimental training for university students from the biomedical and biotech fields. These internships allow students not only to apply the knowledge […]

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Provisional resolution laboratory interships IDIVAL-IBBTEC 2017

11 de May de 2017

Marqués de Valdecilla Research Institute (IDIVAL) and the Biomedicine and Biotechnology Institute of Cantabria (IBBTEC) opened a call for summer internships in their laboratories. The purpose of this call is to promote experimental training for university students from the biomedical and biotech fields. These internships allow students not only to apply the knowledge acquired in […]

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Call PRIM-VAL for primary care research projects

7 de May de 2017

This call PRIM-VAL is part of the Valdecilla Biosanitary Strategic Enhancement Program of IDIVAL focuses on capture talent and innovation. This Program of Support to Primary Care (PRIM-VAL) aims to promote innovation and research in primary care. Requirements of this call RESEARCH PROJECT Research and innovation projects related to primary care will be considered, preferably […]

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