Lilly Foundation Awards for Preclinical and Clinical Biomedical Research 2017

21 de December de 2016

The Lilly Foundation calls the Lilly Foundation Awards for Preclinical and Clinical Biomedical Research 2017, for researchers who have contributed significantly to the development of Biomedicine and Health Sciences in Spain, and maintain an activity of recognized scientific level. The objective is to promote high-quality, preclinical and clinical Biomedical Research through the awarding of Prizes […]

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IDIVAL yields good results in the Health Research and Development Strategy 2016

13 de December de 2016

The Health Research and Development Strategy, Institute of Health Carlos III, include a group of annual programmes to foster biomedical research which are essential to research in health in our country. These programmes include grants to develop research projects, other types of contracts and grants to participate in the Redes, consortiums and platforms of the […]

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MINECO Launches Ramon y Cajal contracts

30 de November de 2016

The Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness launches several calls which are considered in the National Sub-programme for Training, National Sub-programme for Incorporation, National Programme for the Promotion of Talent and its Employability on the framework of National Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2013-2016 -Grants Ramón y Cajal. Grants: – Ramon y Cajal […]

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CHIST-ERA opens a new call for Research Proposals in Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies

21 de November de 2016

CHIST-ERA is a consortium of funding organizations with programmes supporting Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies (ICST). The CHIST-ERA consortium is itself supported by the European Union’s Future & Emerging Technologies scheme (FET).   Each year, CHIST-ERA launches a call for research proposals in two new topics of emergent scientific importance. This year the topics […]

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IDIVAL participates in the Programme INPhINIT of La Caixa Foundation

15 de November de 2016

INPhINIT is a new doctoral fellowship programme promoted by the “la Caixa” Foundation which relies on the European Commission's support through the Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – COFUND programme. The objective is to support young researchers to develop their Phd in Spain. Spanish Research Centres from the areas of Bio and Health Sciences, Physics, […]

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Grants Funding from Spanish Association against Cancer

10 de November de 2016

The Spanish Association against Cancer (AECC) within its grants programme funds cancer research from basic knowledge to clinic application. These grants intend to encourage and promote the generation of new ideas, effective strategies of prevention and early diagnosis, improvement of the processes of diagnosis and to develop treatments to solve the current challenges.  This grant […]

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Call for nanotechnologies advanced materials biotechnology and production

8 de November de 2016

A novelty in Horizon 2020 is the Pilot on Open Research Data which aims to improve and maximise access to and re-use of research data generated by projects. Projects funded under topics NMBP-23 to NMBP-29 inclusive, on modelling and nanotechnology safety, will by default participate in the Pilot on Open Research Data in Horizon 2020. […]

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Ayudas Merck de Investigación 2017

6 de October de 2016

La Fundación Merck Salud convoca la XXVI edición de las Ayudas Merck de Investigación, dirigidas a promover la investigación biológica y biomédica en España, mediante la financiación de proyectos inéditos. En esta convocatoria, las ayudas se centran en las siguientes áreas de Investigación: – Investigación Clínica en Alergología – Investigación Clínica en Cáncer de Cabeza […]

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La Fundación MAPFRE convoca la Beca Primitivo de Vega de Investigación con el objeto de facilitar apoyo económico para la realización de un trabajo científico en el área de atención a las personas mayores. El ámbito de la convocatoria es mundial. Los proyectos de investigación que se presenten a esta convocatoria deberán ceñirse a las […]

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Mérieux Research Grants

23 de September de 2016

  Institut Mérieux has set up an innovative structure aimed at boosting and accelerating scientific innovation, that include a research grants program designed to promote and identify innovative projects. These research grants are designed to promote and identify innovative projects. They provide investigators (junior, senior, in the medical or scientific community) in public and private […]

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