Care4diabetes is urgently seeking participants with type 2 diabetes to reduce medication use and optimize their lifestyle

The European Care4Diabetes project aims to improve the quality of life of people with type 2 diabetes by focusing on 4 key elements (nutrition, physical activity, relaxation and sleep). To this end, it is looking for volunteers to participate in the “C4D-Cuido Mi Diabetes” program, designed to improve the quality of life of these people.

The team responsible for Care4Diabetes is made up of professionals from the Cantabrian Health Service (SCS) and the IDIVAL Health Research Institute.

In the first phase, lasting six months, the nursing, family medicine and endocrinology professionals will work intensively with the participants, and then follow them for another six months to evaluate the results. Both phases, intensive and follow-up, will be carried out in person and/or online.

In the face-to-face format, the intensive phase will begin with a two-day coexistence (October 26 and 27, 2024) with the group and the multidisciplinary team that will accompany them throughout the project.

The requirements to participate as a volunteer in this project are the following:

Motivation for lifestyle change.
Diagnosis of type 2 diabetes for a maximum of 10 years.
Body Mass Index (BMI) between 25 and 35 kg/m².
Handling of digital devices.
Learning how to use glucose sensors and meters.

If you are interested in participating, you can contact Natalia at 651704340 or Lourdes: 686 37 73 62.


Care4Diabetes is a European project with a duration of three years, supported by a consortium of 30 partners from 12 countries and a budget of 4 million euros, (80% is funded by the European Commission). The aim is to implement the Reverse Diabetes2 Now Best Practice, developed by the Dutch NGO Voeding Leef over a decade.

In Spain, project partners include the public health services of Cantabria (SCS), Andalusia (SAS), Galicia (Sergas), the Regional Government of Extremadura, the Andalusian Public Foundation for Progress and Health, as well as the Aragonese Primary Care Research Group and IDIVAL.

The Principality of Asturias has been chosen by the Spanish Ministry of Health to lead this European program, thanks to the experience acquired by the Regional Ministry of Health in international projects funded by the European Commission, EFFICHRONIC such as IDEAHL.