A cardiologist from Valdecilla at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1 de December de 2016
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is the best Technical University in the world. Rafael Reif, president of the MIT, said in an interview for the Spanish newspaper El País on the 24th of October: “There are people from 152 countries in the MIT. Almost 80% of the nations are represented here. MIT has a history of 155 years of discoveries, creation of knowledge and innovation. We are an example for the world”. There had been in the MIT’s classrooms 85 Nobel Prizes, genius linguistics as Noam Chomsky, the physicist Richard Feynman, the astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the mathematician Norbert Wiener and Bill Gates, etc. 

Dr. Jose Maria de la Torre Hernandez, interventional cardiologist at Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital (HUMV), has stayed in the MIT for several months in the Biomedical Engineering Institute, exactly in the laboratory with the professor Elazer R. Edelman (EDELMANLAB). Professor Edelman is graduated in Electronics Engineering and Computer Science from MIT and in Medicine from Harvard Medical School with the specialization in cardiology at Brigham and Women’ Hospital of Boston. Dr. Edelman is a prominent figure who has received a grant of 75 million dollars. 

Dr. Jose Maria de la Torre Hernandez will be in the Lab for a year sharing the research lines that the institute is developing and he has focus on the evaluation of new technologies in cardiovascular pathologies. De la Torre says that the institute researches about biological and physiopathologies processes using methods of biochemical research, research on animal models, computing models and post-process of human clinic information. The research lines in which Dr. De la Torre is collaborating in the laboratory because of the proximity to his studies are:

1. The biomechanics and biological effects of the components and design of new coronary stents pharmacoactive.

2. Physiological profiles in patients with aortic stenosis, integrating the central and peripheral vascular. They are evaluating new parameters of cardiovascular physiology and using new devices of observation and novel computer algorithms. 

3. Studying the possibility of extracting more information about the techniques of intravascular image through the original method of post-processed. 

4. Effects about the evolution of arteriosclerosis in modified mice with drugs used in clinics with other purposes. 

5. Evaluation of new vascular implants obtained through complex processes of biochemical and biological engineering.

During his stay Jose Maria de la Torre Hernandez will focus on supporting, interpreting and clinical orientation of the results obtained. The collaboration between experts of different fields is fundamental: biologists, engineers, chemicals, clinics and mathematicians. In this context, the experimented vision of Dr. De la Torre as an expert in the physiology and coronary anatomy is fundamental, especially in aspects related with the treatment through angioplasty of coronary stenosis. De la Torre contributes with clinical proximity with a powerful scientific basis about cohort of patients, a research that he has lead in the last years and with an international repercussion.

His stay pretends to be the basis of future collaborative projects with the MIT and new research lines developed in his return in Santander with the base in Biomedical Research Institute (IDIVAL)