Recommendations in Reconstructive Urology during COVID-19

10 de August de 2020

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, activity in Hospital services has been altered. In the case of Urology Units, they have had to adapt to the new context without being guidelines for action to follow.

The Spanish Archives of Urology magazine has published the monograph “Recommendations for action in a covid-19 pandemic ”in order to provide guidelines for action during the pandemic supported by available scientific evidence. The Urology Service of Hospital Valdecilla has participated with two articles in this monograph: "Emergency surgery during COVID-19 pandemic" and "Reconstructive surgery protocol recommendations during COVID-19 pandemic" described below.

The Urology Units of six Spanish hospitals, including the Urology Unit  of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital, have prepared a guide with recommendations on the management, during COVID-19, of the different clinical contexts of patients with pathology framed in the field of Reconstructive Urology.

The initial work consisted of a bibliographic search of the limited literature on the management of reconstructive urological pathology in health emergency situations. With this evidence, the panel of experts who participated in this study have identified the most common clinical contexts and have been structured according to their need for urgent treatment or the possibility of deferring it. Likewise, specific recommendations have been prepared for the management of some situations, both in urgent or elective contexts, to reduce the risks of exposure to the virus for patients and healthcare professionals.

This review and recommendations have been carried out by members of the expert committee of the Urological Reconstructive Group of the Spanish Association of Urology (AEU), of which the Urology Unit of Valdecilla Hospital has been a part since its foundation in 2015.

The Reconstructive Urology and Andrology Unit of the HUMV leads several national multicenter projects to increase the available knowledge on the management of urethral stenotic pathology and improve its diagnosis and treatment. It is currently a reference center at European level, participating in the drafting of the European Guidelines for this pathology.

Ref. Reconstructive surgery protocol recommendations during COVID-19 pandemia. Bonillo-García M, Morán-Pascual E, Puche-Sanz I, Campos-Juanatey F, Martínez-Piñeiro L, Ponce de León-Roca J.. Archivos Españoles de Urologia. 2020 Jun;73(5):413-9. PubMed PMID: 32538812. Epub 2020/06/17.