Interlibrary loan of the Marquesa de Pelayo Library

23 de January de 2020

The Interlibrary Loan or Document Obtaining Service (SOD) is a basic form of cooperation between libraries that allows to complement the own fund with that of other libraries. That all libraries have everything subscribed is, in addition to unnecessary, economically unsustainable. The current logic, which the Marquise de Pelayo Library follows, is that all libraries have everything among them, and share it. The SOD regulates this exchange between libraries.

The Marquesa de Pelayo Library collaborates with virtually all specialized, virtual health, hospital and university libraries in Spain. The funds of all of them are indirectly also funds of the Cantabrian library, and vice versa, the funds of this one are shared by all the Spanish libraries.

If a user needs an article and the library does not have the magazine or if they do not have the year, the user can request the article they need through SOD. The application form is available in the “New request” tab. There are two ways to complete it: either by filling in the fields one by one or if the article has PMID (code taken from PUBMED), putting it in the corresponding field and pressing the “Search” button, in which case or the PDF will open directly of the article, if it is available, or, if it is not available, the request will be effectively sent to the librarian, who will proceed with it.

Two alternative access routes are worth noting: the first one related to PUBMED and the second one with Clinical Key (Elsevier). The first is a free tool, in fact if you search on Google it is without problem, but the access offered from the library is recommended because it leads to a version that has the contents of the library loaded inside, so that when the user selects in PUBMED the article of their interest a banner will appear from where you can directly download the PDF of the article if it was subscribed and if not, what will be opened will be the request form with all the self-filled fields. Without leaving PUBMED. Easy and practical. Regarding Clinical Key, this is a tool where the user has at his disposal all the contents of Elsevier (articles, chapters, medication sheets, etc.) in full text (direct download) in addition to all PUBMED, in which case the file or registration of the article (provided that it is not from Elsevier, in which case it will be opened directly) will be accompanied by the banner of the Marquise de Pelayo Library, being able to download the PDF directly if the article was subscribed with another publisher and if not, opening the form of request of the article with all the self-filled fields. Again we can resort to SOD without leaving the tool we are working with, in this case Clinical Key.

Requests are subject to a standard national rate that amounts to € 4 per request. But the Marquise de Pelayo Library has signed mutual free agreements (for which neither is charged nor paid as long as there is proportionality between requests) with practically all libraries in the sector, with which the gratuitousness of the requests is guaranteed. All requests are resolved at zero cost for users.

In addition to free, the commitment reached by the Marquise de Pelayo Library with its users is to serve the articles in no more than 48 hours.

And where do users receive the PDF of the requested item? The PDFs of the documents are deposited in the folder that appears in the name of the user when the user logs into the library's website (remember that to log in, to enter the library you must use the same username and password that is used to any other SCS application, such as the medical records VISOR or the Employee Portal) in addition to being sent to the user's corporate email.

The success that the SOD enjoys fulfills the figures that are handled for 2019: the internal users (of the Marquesa de Pelayo Library) made a total of 7,436 requests in 2019, that is, an average of 620 per month. The net savings associated with the requests of internal users thanks to the free agreements signed with other Spanish libraries in the sector reaches € 29,744 in 2019.

• Number of requests made by users of the library in 2019: 7,436 requests.
• Average requests per month: 620 requests.
• SOD / 2019 savings: € 29,744 in requests.