Open call for grants from the state talent promotion program and its employability in RDI

23 de December de 2019


The Ministry of Science Innovation and Universities announces various actions contemplated in the State Subprogram for Training and the State Subprogram for Incorporation, of the State Program for the Promotion of Talent and its Employability, within the framework of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2017-2020.

The aid called are the following:

Aid for Juan de la Cierva contracts – Training: Promote the hiring of young doctors for a period of 2 years, so that they complete their postdoctoral research training in Spanish R&D centers other than those in which they carried out their predoctoral training

Aid for contracts Juan de la Cierva – Incorporation: Promote the hiring of young doctors for a period of 3 years, so that they strengthen the skills acquired during a first stage of postdoctoral training.

Aid for contracts of technical support personnel for R & D & I: Granting of 3-year grants for the hiring of technical support personnel, in research organizations dedicated to the management of equipment, facilities and other R&D infrastructures + ia in order to increase and improve the performance and performance of scientific and technological infrastructures.


APERTURA Y CIERRE (Investigador)



Ayudas Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación

18 de diciembre de 2019 al 15 de enero de 2020

18 de diciembre de 2019 al 9 de enero de 2020

10 de enero

Ayudas Juan de la Cierva-Formación

17 de diciembre de 2019 al 14 de enero de 2020

17 de diciembre de 2019 al 9 de enero de 2020

10 de enero

Ayudas para personal técnica de apoyo

14 al 28 de enero de 2020

14 de enero de 2020 al 23 de enero de 2020

24 de enero

The deadline for the generation and submission of applications through the computer application will end at 2:00 p.m., Peninsular time, on the indicated end date.

It is advisable to inform the National Projects Unit ( in advance of the intention to request a project.

Link to the aid application website:

Link to the call (pdf)