FOTCIENCIA call for scientific photographs of the FECYT and CSIC

12 de December de 2019

The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) have opened the deadline for submitting scientific photographs for the 17th edition of FOTCIENCIA.

The initiative aims to bring science and technology closer to society through photography. As in previous years, FOTCIENCIA17 will select the best scientific images, with which it will publish a catalog and produce a traveling exhibition that will travel through different cities in Spain during 2020/21.

Deadline and requirements:

Those interested in participating have until December 16 at 12:00 a.m. to present the photographs in digital format. The images must be accompanied by a text that describes their scientific or technological content, and will be sent through a form available on the website

The photographs must be their own and be related to science, scientific-technical research or their applications. They can also reflect aspects such as the object of study of the research, the people who carry it out, the instrumentation and facilities, the results of scientific progress, etc. In addition, they cannot have been selected in similar processes.

The main categories that can be chosen are:

Micro, when the actual dimension of the photographed object is less than or equal to 1 mm or the image has been obtained by means of a micrography instrument (optical or electronic) or diffraction techniques.

General, when the actual dimension of the photographed object is greater than 1 mm.

Science in the classroom. This modality encourages the participation of secondary and vocational education students.

Additionally, you can also opt for two other modalities:

• Sustainable agriculture

• Food and nutrition

Also, this year it is introduced as a novelty that the authors of the photographs select which of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) best suits the content of their image.


A jury will assess the technique and aesthetics of photography as well as the informative nature of the text.

The two best in the General category and the two best in the Micro category will be paid with an amount of € 1,500 each. 

In the other modalities, a photograph will be selected that will receive € 600. For the selection of the images belonging to the modalities sostenible Sustainable Agriculture ’and‘ Food and Nutrition ’, we will have the collaboration of the Institute of Sustainable Agriculture and the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology, both of the CSIC.

More information: