Meeting Characterization of microparticles MPs by flow cytometry Its usefulness as a clinical biomarker

9 de December de 2019

Next Tuesday, December 17 will take place the Conference “Characterization of microparticles (MPs) by flow cytometry. Its usefulness as a clinical biomarker in different pathologies” organized by the IDIVAL Flow Cytometry and Cell Separation Unit in collaboration with Beckman Coulter.

The day will consist of two activities:

8:00 – 10: 00 – Téllez Plasencia Room – Pab 16 HUMV

Lecture given by Dr. Claudia Maria Radu (Department of Women's and Children's Health and Thrombotic Haemorrhagic Diseases Unit, University of Padua.

11:00 – 13: 00h – Cytometry unit- IDIVAL Ed.

Practical workshop: characterization of microparticles by flow cytometry, taught by Carmen Pérez Robles (Beckman Coulter application specialist)

The microparticles (MP) are a heterogeneous population of 100-1000 nm micro-vesicles, released from the surface of the plasma membrane of various cell types, such as platelets, erythrocytes, granulocytes, monocytes, lymphocytes, dendritic and endothelial cells. The MPs express specific proteins of the cells from which they are derived, which allows the identification of the cell type.

The release of MP is a highly controlled process driven by different stimuli, such as proinflammatory cytokines, infectious agents, lipoproteins, oxidative stress, etc. Although they are detectable in the peripheral blood of healthy individuals, they can significantly increase the pathological condition, such as atherosclerosis and hypertension, which allows them to be considered biomarkers of diseases.

By means of flow cytometry techniques, circulating MP can be identified and quantified in patients with different inflammatory pathologies to study its usefulness as a biomarker of activity.

Dr. Radu has extensive experience in the characterization by flow cytometry of microvesicles and exosomes and in the study of activation and reactivity of circulating platelets in various cardiovascular diseases, infectious diseases, coagulation disorders, among other pathologies.

The conference is open to all Santander public who wants to participate and certificates of assistance will be issued to those who request it. To participate in the workshop, please contact the email address

Activity pending accreditation by the CFCPS