Resolution of the 21 National Call for Valdecilla Nursing Projects

22 de November de 2019

The National Call for Nursing Valdecilla aims to encourage the participation of Nursing Professionals in the development and development of Research Projects.

In total, a total of 13 projects have been admitted for evaluation and after the evaluation of the Evaluation Commission it has been decided to grant financing to the following projects:

Best Project:

– TITLE: “La aceptación incondicional de la persona con problemas de salud mental por parte de la enfermera: explorando su significado en el proceso de la Relación Terapéutica”

– MAIN RESEARCHER: Gemma Cardó Vila.

– REST RESEARCH TEAM: Maria Rosario Valera Fernández, Teresa Vives Abril, Antonio Rafael Moreno Poyato, Andrea Aznar Huerta, Juan Manuel Leyva Moral.

– FILIATION: Center Fòrum de l'Hospital del Mar. Center of Mental Health of Sant Martí School of Nursing of the Sea. Faculty of Medicine. Parc de Salut Mar in Barcelona.

-Best project to develop in Valdecilla:

– TITLE: “Impacto, eficacia, aplicabilidad y satisfacción de un programa de apoyo a los centros de educación infantil y primaria de Cantabria con alumnado afectado por fibrosis quística”.

– MAIN RESEARCHER: Elena Rivas Cilleros.

– REST RESEARCH TEAM: José Carlos López Alonso, Patricia Rodríguez Fernández, Ángela Fernández Rodríguez, Rocío Sancho Gutiérrez, Elena Pérez Belmonte, Javier Velasco Montes.

– FILIATION: Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital. Office of Chronicity of the Cantabrian Health Service. Ministry of Health of the Government of Cantabria. Leza hospital.

The awards ceremony was held within the 21 Valdecilla Nursing Conference held on November 20 and 21 at the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital.

Resolution (link)