Reliability and profitability of glaucoma diagnostic protocols

20 de November de 2019

The Neurophthalmology and Glaucoma Unit of the Liencres-HUMV Hospital has studied the correlation of visual fields with the results of optical coherence tomography (OCT) in a study that includes 161 patients.

In this study, published in the journal 'PlosOne', the authors analyze the reliability of two protocols for the diagnosis and follow-up of glaucoma, one recently implanted (ganglion cell analysis) and the other more widely used (fiber layer analysis nervous) and its correlation with the results of the visual fields. In addition, they analyze which analysis of the two has more profitability in the usual clinical practice and which is the most reliable test for the early diagnosis of glaucoma.

This work is part of the study of ganglion cells and other layers of the retina, structures that this service is analyzing for the early diagnosis of neurological diseases, as well as for situations of more common use in clinical practice, such as the early diagnosis of Hydroxychloroquine retinopathy.

In this work, led by Dr. Alfonso Casado, the members of the glaucoma team (Juan Carlos González, Gema Pacheco and Elena Gándara) have collaborated, as well as Raúl Fernández, Soraya Fonseca and the head of service, Miguel Á. Gordo Vega and has been prepared mainly by the doctors Andrea Cerveró and Alicia López de Eguileta, who are developing several research projects, on glaucoma and Alzheimer's disease, respectively. Several works are already published and others pending acceptance in international journals.

This work shows that both the most modern study of ganglion cells, and that of the nerve fiber layer – older – are reliable in diagnosing and following patients with glaucoma, and that the second is more sensitive and specific.

Thanks to this study in the future, the need for visual fields can be reduced, which can reduce costs and speed up the usual consultation.

Alicia López de Eguileta, Andrea Cerveró y Alfonso Casado

Ref. Topographic correlation and asymmetry analysis of ganglion cell layer thinning and the retinal nerve fiber layer with localized visual field defects. Casado A, Cerveró A, López-de-Eguileta A, Fernández R, Fonseca S, González JC, Pacheco G, Gándara E, Gordo-Vega MÁ. PLoS One. 2019 Sep 11;14(9):e0222347. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0222347. eCollection 2019. PMID: 31509597