IV Program of Conferences Santander Biomedical Lectures

26 de August de 2019

Following the success achieved in the past programs of Santander Biomedical Lectures, IDIVAL introduces the fourth program of conferences. World’s prestigious and recognized researchers for their international contributions. 

For a consecutive year, the Cantabria Research Forum, made up of the Cantabrian Health Service together with the Valdecilla Research Institute (IDIVAL), the University of Cantabria (UC) and the Institute of Biomedicine and Biotechnology of Cantabria (IBBTEC) have created this forum for discussion on the current advances in biomedicine. This forum brings leading researchers to exchange experiences with members of the scientific and clinical community of our region.

As previous year, this fourth program of SANTANDER BIOMEDICAL LECTURES will focus on a series of conferences dedicated to the advancement of global knowledge in Biomedicine.

IV Program of Conferences Santander Biomedical Lectures

04/09/2019.- Raj Ratwani, PhD – MedStar Institute for Innovation.

31/10/2019.- Germán Fajardo, Director of the Faculty of Medicine of the UNAM and President of the Latin American Association of Faculties and Schools of Medicine

28/11/2019.- José Obeso Inchausti, Director of the Comprehensive Center of Neurosciences AC (CINAC)

19/12/2019.- Lourdes Fañanas, CIBERSAM Group Leader at the Institute of Biomedicine of the University of Barcelona (IBUB)

30/01/2020.- Xavier Bossuyt, Senior Researcher at the Flemish Foundation for Scientific Research

25/02/2020.- Margarita Salas, Professor of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC)

26/03/2020.- Miguel Ángel Perales, Head of the bone marrow transplant service for adults at Memorial Sloan Ketering in New York

30/04/2020.- Dimitris Xirodimas, Principal investigator at the Center de Recherche de Biochimie Macromoléculaire (CNRS)

14/05/2020.- Rafael Fonseca, Professor and principal investigator at Mayo Clinic

All conferences will be open to all the public of Santander who wants to participate and they will take place at Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital, Téllez Room (Pavilion 16) at 8:15 p.m. Then the lecturers will stay in our community for at least a few hours to visit the research centers of our community to know first hand the interested scientists.