Presented the research awards Valdecilla Nursing

10 de December de 2017

The Valdecilla Innovation and Development Conference that took place on November 29 and 30, celebrated its fifth year under the slogan “New times, new solutions: Innovating in Care”. The objective of these conferences is to continue fostering spaces of encounter between professionals who want to join the management of change.

This edition has had a scientific program that has addressed issues of great importance such as leadership and innovation in health institutions and clinical practice, patents and usability models, among others. Within this scope, the prizes of the 19th National Call for Research Projects “Enfermería Valdecilla” have been awarded.

This National Call for Nursing supported by Caja Cantabria, is pioneer in this field and aims to encourage the participation of nursing professionals in research studies. This year, a total of 35 projects have been submitted for the two categories of awards, best project and best project to develop in Valdecilla, of which 18 projects have passed to the final evaluation. It is worth pointing out the high level of the projects presented. The research projects awarded are the following:


Universitarios controlando riesgos: liderazgos participativos frente al consumo colectivo de alcohol entre los jóvenes.

Sonia Herrera Justicia, Manuel Amezcua Martínez, Cesar Hueso Montoro, Araceli Plaza Andrés.

Fundación Index. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad de Granada. Agencia de Servicios Sociales y Dependencia de Andalucía.


Retorno social de la inversión en lactancia materna en Cantabria. Impacto económico en la reducción de enfermedades infecciosas.

Carolina Lechosa Muñiz, Elsa Cornejo del Río, María Sáez de Adana Herrero, María Madrazo Pérez, Mª Jesús Cabero Pérez.

Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla. Servicio Cántabro de Salud. Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería. Universidad de Cantabria.

Carolina Lechosa, Gaspar Laredo, Sonia Herrera, Nuria Martínez, Juan Muñíz y Galo Peralta.