One year more IDIVAL participates in the European Researchers Night

24 de September de 2017

The European Researchers’ Night will be held on Friday, September 29, in the afternoon from 4.30pm until midnight. This event takes place simultaneously around 30 countries and over 300 cities.

For the fifth consecutive year, Santander joins this European event. Scientists from the University of Cantabria and associated institutions as the Biomedical Research Institute of Valdecilla (IDIVAL) will organize different activities around Santander: science workshops, talks, interactive scientific demonstrations, participatory experiments, guided tours, activities … adapted for people of all ages, interested in obtaining answers and in knowing the impact of scientific advances in everyday life.

Once again, IDIVAL participates in the event with 2 workshops, that they will take place at IDIVAL, and with a stand at the Plaza Porticada.

Workshop: What eye does not see. Microscopy as a tool

IDIVAL Microscopy unit will teach you and observe cells and microorganisms in different microscopes. You can see the different components of the cell in fluorescent colors and in three dimensions with the laser microscope, or the “hairs” of bacteria in the electron microscope.

In addition, we will explain how a time-lapse of a cell culture is made to see how they multiply and move.

This workshop will be held in the IDIVAL Building and is open to all the public who want to know the work we do.

Workshop: Know your body‘s defenses

We will experiment with techniques used in immunology (ELISA, cytometry, we will see lymphocytes in the microscope and in the cytometer). You can know how we isolate the cells and understand what we do and how we study the role of the components of the immune system that constitute body’s defenses. 

This workshop is aimed at children between the ages of 9 and 16 and will be held at IDIVAL.

All workshops require prior registration in the following link:

See you on Friday 29th!

More información: Link