IDIVAL looks for talent in the Strategic Health Action 2017

4 de May de 2017

The strategic health action (AES) 2017 of the Institute of Health Carlos III has been opened. Most of the programs of the AES 2017 prioritize actions of research and innovation in the health environment and especially in health research institutes accredited as IDIVAL. 

IDIVAL, according to its strategic lines, offers positions within the institute in the different human resources and training programs: predoctoral, Rio Hortega, Sara Borrell, Miguel Servet, which will be co-financed by the institute. This staff will be integrated in the different existing research groups, whoselines of research can be consulted through this website.

Those persons interested in joining the IDIVAL groups through any of these programs can contact directly with the leaders of the research groups or through the email

More information about the Strategic Health Action in the following link