Banco Sabadell Foundation Award for Biomedical Research 2017

19 de February de 2017

Bank Sabadell Foundation announces the 12nd Edition of Sabadell Foundation Awards in order to recognize the excellence of researchers in biomedical research, sciences and engineering, economic research and research aids in social sciences and humanities.

Among the prizes proposed, the award for biomedical research is of interest in our field of research and whose characteristics and bases are described below. 

It should be pointed out that in 2007 the award for biomedical research was for one of our IDIVAL researchers, Dr. Benedicto Crespo Facorro. The prize was awarded for his innovative skills and numerous publications in connection with the biological origins of schizophrenia based on neuro-imaging.

Prize for Biomedical Research: Contributing to the future

With the aim of providing an incentive and recognition for excellence among Spanish researchers in the field of biomedical and health sciences, Banc Sabadell Foundation announces its twelfth call for applications for the Bank Sabadell Foundation Prize for Biomedical Research 2017 in every medical speciality (basic and applied research) with outstanding innovative capabilities.

The prize will be a financial reward of 50,000 Euros and a sculpture of the contemporary sculptor Sergi Aguilar, who is considered one of the main Spanish artists of his generation.   

Entry rules for the 2017 prize

– The prize will be awarded to a researcher with an outstanding career in the field of biomedical and health sciences research. 

– Candidates must meet the following requirements: Researchers must be 42 years old (age reached in 2017) or younger; they must be either of Spanish nationality or foreigner nationals who have spent at least three years doing research in Spain; and the focus of their work must be within the biomedicine and health sciences field. 

– Candidates must be nominated by persons connected with universities, hospitals or research centers. 

– Nominations must be submitted online and each proposal must consist of:

  • A letter of presentation by the person nominating the candidate, in PDF format. 
  • The candidate’s curriculum vitae in PDF format. 
  • Documentation corresponding to the research work carried out by the candidate (maximum of 10 papers or projects), in PDF format. 

Proposals must be submitted in either Spanish or English, between 1 February and 30 April.

Entry rules for the 2017 prize

Sabadell Foundation Awards