Lilly Foundation Awards for Preclinical and Clinical Biomedical Research 2017

21 de December de 2016
The Lilly Foundation calls the Lilly Foundation Awards for Preclinical and Clinical Biomedical Research 2017, for researchers who have contributed significantly to the development of Biomedicine and Health Sciences in Spain, and maintain an activity of recognized scientific level.

The objective is to promote high-quality, preclinical and clinical Biomedical Research through the awarding of Prizes that recognize and support scientific paths of excellence.

The awards are the following:

Lilly Foundation Award for Preclinical Biomedical Research 2017, for researchers who develop a basic research work aimed at obtaining knowledge with clinical application, at any methodological level. It will be granted nominally and exclusively to a single person.

Lilly Foundation Award for Clinical Biomedical Research 2017, for researchers who develop their research work on humans, at any methodological level. It will be granted nominally and exclusively to a single person.

Applicants may be preclinical and clinical researchers who carry out research activities in health centers and / or research centers, public or private, in Spain. Candidates must also be nominated by individuals or institutions in the Biomedical or Health Science field, or by the members of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Lilly Foundation.

The presentation of the proposals will be write to the Director of the Foundation along with the documentation required by the Foundation. The deadline for submitting proposals is February 15, 2017.

Each award consists of a single and total amount of 40,000 euros.

Lilly Foundation Awards for Preclinical and Clinical Biomedical Research 2017