Dr Riancho will be rewarded in the XIV National Research Awards

25 de November de 2016

Dr. Riancho will be rewarded in the XIV National Research Awards due to his research on “Neuroprotective effect of bexarotene in the SOD1G93A mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)” published in the magazine 'Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience'. On the call has participated in total 16 research works, in which 10 are national projects and the other 6 projects are international from Switzerland, Chile, Italy and US. The awards ceremony will take place on the 1st of December in Córdoba (Spain).

Dr. Riancho is a neurologist at Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital and researcher at IDIVAL. At present, he has been awarded with the grant Wencesalo López Albo to research on the project “Project: Epigenetics and new technologies in dementia: a translational approach and innovation in care” with stays abroad in the Genomics Medicine Center and the Dementias Unit at Santiago de Compostela Hospital and also John Radcliff Hospital and Neuroscience Department at Oxford University. 

Dr. Riancho has started his research works about ALS in 2012, since then, he has several lines of research related with this disease. One of the projects is developing together with Innopharma with the aim to design a new molecule to treat the patients with ALS. Additionally, Dr. Riancho collaborates actively as representative of HUMV in national and international research groups of this disease.