Health technology assessment
with human factors engineering


It carries out ergonomics and human factor studies of healthcare technologies and processes and supports their implementation with the aim of making their use safer.

EValTec® works in collaboration with experts from MedStar Institute for Innovation in Washington, a world leader in Human Factors and Ergonomics.

If you have any questions, please contact the innovation team:

Marina Cano Iglesias, Senior Innovation and Cognitive Ergonomics Technician.

     Charter of services:

  • Evaluates health technology both for the Cantabrian Health Service as a support for decision making on acquisition and support in its implementation and for other health systems and companies.
  • Evaluates and redesigns healthcare processes.
  • Evaluates healthcare technology in the design phase before it is placed on the market by manufacturers, with a view to its improvement.
  • Evaluates existing technology for its optimal use in healthcare processes.­­­
