Aimed at promoting the attraction of talent, innovation, internationalization and boosting patient studies
IDIVAL launches 8 programs to boost biosanitary research called through the PLADIBIO program published in the BOC of January 13, 2025 that seek to promote the promotion and recruitment of talent, facilitate innovation, internationalization, the promotion of studies on patients as is the case of those developed in the Cantabria Cohort promoted by IDIVAL and the development of non-commercial clinical trials.
A program that seeks to incorporate new generations of clinical researchers, specifically including Primary Care and Nursing, and with a vision of the necessary synergy with other knowledge-generating agents in our Autonomous Community and companies.
The call programs for this year 2025 are the following:
– Program nº 1: “Support IDIVAL” Program. Its objective is to support the development of IDIVAL’s research groups.
– Program No. 2: “Next-Val” Support Program for Emerging Researchers. It aims to support research projects led by emerging researchers.
– Program No. 3: “Inn-Val” Innovation Support Program. Aims to support innovation projects in Health.
– Program No. 4: “Int-Val” Researcher Intensification Program. Its purpose is to intensify research activity by partially substituting healthcare activity.
– Program No. 5: “Prim-Val” Primary Care Support Program. Its purpose is to promote research activities in the field of primary care.
– Program No. 6: “Dtec-Val” Technological Development Support Program. Its purpose is to promote technological development projects.
– Program No. 7: “Inplant” program for the implantation of new clinical researchers. Aims to attract new clinical researchers to the Valdecilla environment.
– Program nº 8: “Mentoring” program for the implantation of new residents. Its aim is to attract residents with an excellent profile to the Valdecilla environment.
In addition to the programs called by this Resolution, IDIVAL’s research budget for 2025 will support the following expenses:
a) Annuities of predoctoral contracts called in past fiscal years.
b) Co-financed calls.
c) Contribution for the operation of “Cohorte Cantabria” in the amount of 500,000 €.
d) Training contracts for support personnel in the areas of management and technological services.
As a whole, the overall budget foreseen for all these actions, including the ones herein called for, will be 2,081,651 €.
The deadlines for submitting applications for the different programs will be as follows:
- “Support IDIVAL” program: from January 20 to February 1, 2025.
- Support for Emerging Researchers “Next-Val” Program: from February 15 to March 15, 2025.
- Inn-Val” Innovation Support Program: from March 15 to April 15, 2021.
- Researcher Intensification Program:
- Primary Care Support Program “Prim-Val”: from April 15 to May 15, 2025.
- Program to Support Technological Development “Dtec-Val”: from April 15 to May 15, 2025.
- Inplant” Implementation Program: the call for proposals will be permanently open.
- Mentoring Program: during the second year of specialized health training.