Rhinology refresher course successfully concluded with the participation of international experts

18 de September de 2024

From September 9 to 12, 2024, the online course “State of the Art in Rhinology” was held, coordinated by Dr. Jaime Viera, Assistant Physician of the Otorhinolaryngology Service of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital. This course, broadcasted through the Zoom platform, had almost 400 participants from 22 countries and was organized by IDIVAL, the Ministry of Health of the Government of Cantabria and the University of Cantabria. This forum was endorsed by SCReN, SEORL CCC, the Spanish Society of Clinical Pharmacology and the ITEMAS and Biobanks and Biomodels platforms of the Carlos III Health Institute, and was sponsored by Sanofi and GSK. This program has been accredited with 1.6 CFC credits from the National Health System.

The event brought together highly prestigious national and international speakers, who addressed the latest advances in surgery and medical treatments related to rhinology. Among the highlights were Dr. Adriana Izquierdo from Clínica Teknon in Barcelona, Dr. Eduardo Morera from Hospital Universitario Son Espases, and Dr. Isam Alobid, President of the Rhinology Commission of the SEORL. Renowned international specialists also participated, such as Dr. Raymond Kim from the University of Auckland (New Zealand) and Dr. Alkis J. Psaltis from the University of Adelaide (Australia).

During the conference, participants had the opportunity to attend sessions covering a wide variety of current topics, such as the evolution in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic sinusitis, innovations in the surgery of nasosinus tumors and the latest techniques in nasal reconstruction and treatment of the sense of smell. Dr. Manuel Bernal-Sprekelsen, President of the SEORL, opened the course with a session on the history of rhinology and its evolution up to the present day. Another relevant session was given by Dr. Beatriz Abascal, who dealt with the use of biological drugs in the treatment of the airway.

Throughout the conference other topics have been discussed, such as the session led by Dr. Juan Maza who presented the advances in the surgical management of maxillary sinusitis or the intervention of Dr. Raymond Kim who delved into the microbiological differential diagnosis of this condition. These presentations were followed by different debates moderated by Dr. Jaime Vieira, Dr. Javier Ospina or the one led by Dr. David Lobo, in which best practices and new surgical techniques in the multidisciplinary management of odontogenic sinusitis were discussed.

The course concluded on Thursday, September 12, with a session dedicated to olfaction and nasal reconstruction, moderated by Dr. Isam Alobid, highlighting topics such as septal perforations and olfactory training, presented by Dr. Adriana Izquierdo, and functional rhinoplasty by Dr. Eduardo Morera.

This forum has proven to be a key training reference for otolaryngologists and other medical professionals interested in rhinological pathologies. Discussions on the implementation of new techniques and multidisciplinary collaboration to address clinical challenges have consolidated the importance of this type of event in the advancement of medical knowledge.