IDIVAL researchers will coordinate the 3rd Northern Headache Meeting on 7th and 8th June

Speakers who are experts in the field of headaches will discuss the latest advances in their diagnosis and treatment

Headaches, characterised by recurrent headaches, are one of the most common disorders of the nervous system, affecting people of all ages, races, income levels and geographical areas.  It is not only painful but also disabling, as well as entailing large economic costs.

The III Northern Headache Meeting will start next Friday 7th June, a two-day conference with expert speakers in the field of headaches who will discuss the latest advances in their diagnosis and treatment.

The meeting is organised by Julio Pascual and Vicente González, researchers from the Clinical and Genetic Group of Headaches at the Marqués de Valdecilla Health Research Institute (IDIVAL) and neurologists from the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital (HUMV) and is sponsored by Lundbeck, Pfizer, Almirall, abbvie, Teva and Lilly-Organon.

The conference will take place at the Hotel Santemar in Santander and registration can be done through the following link:

In the first session, after the opening and welcome by the organisers, there will be a round table discussion entitled “Not everything is migraine” in which researchers Gabriel Gárate and Jorge Madera will discuss the biomarkers that currently exist to diagnose migraine, as well as the different types of headaches and how to differentiate them.

This will be followed by a competition of clinical cases presented by people who are doing their residency in medicine (MIR) in the speciality of neurology and the last year of their internship in hospitals in Castilla y León, Asturias, the Basque Country, Navarre, La Rioja or Cantabria.   Cases may be submitted until 30 May to the following address:


For the selection of the winning case, on the one hand, the evaluation by the Scientific Committee will take into account aspects such as the description, the systematics of the diagnosis, the review of the literature, the interest and the innovation. On the other hand, the participants will have to present their case orally and those attending the conference will be able to score them. Finally, the average of the scores of the jury and the audience will be calculated and the winner will receive a prize. In addition, those clinical cases with a score of at least 5 out of 10 will be collected in a digital book with ISBN.

The second session of the conference, on 8 June, will consist of two round tables focusing on the field of migraine, such as the current treatment of symptoms and new drugs under study such as monoclonal antibodies or new oral gepants. Finally, the indications and controversies of neuroimaging techniques in headaches will be discussed and there will be a final colloquium on the future of a headache consultation.

You can download the programme with detailed rules for participating in the clinical case competition here:

Programme III Northern Headache Meeting 2024 and clinical cases