The event will take place on May 21 at IDIVAL’s facilities
The Marqués de Valdecilla Health Research Institute (IDIVAL) is organizing a round table discussion entitled “Artificial intelligence: how can we use it in the healthcare environment” on May 21.
The initiative will take place in person at the IDIVAL headquarters at 13:30h and will last one hour. It will also be available in streaming through the zoom platform.
It will be aimed at anyone interested in the subject, especially researchers, clinical and management staff.
Manuel Desco, Professor of Radiology in the Department of Bioengineering at the Carlos III University of Madrid, Director of the Innovation Support Unit at the Gregorio Marañón Research Institute; Julio Mayol, Professor of Surgery at the Complutense University of Madrid and Director of the Innovation Support Unit at the San Carlos Health Research Institute and, finally, Joaquín Cayón, Head of the Legal Service of the Ministry of Health of Cantabria and IDIVAL researcher, will share their vision at the round table. The moderator of the round table will be Galo Peralta, Director of Management of IDIVAL.
Registration for the conference can be made through the following link:
Certificates of attendance will be awarded.