2 units of IDIVAL and 18 of Valdecilla with ISO quality certifications

20 de February de 2020

The User Care, Immunology and Radiodiagnostic Services of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital have received the ISO 9001: 2015 accreditation, which certifies their commitment to quality and safety in the framework of continuous improvement to achieve the best health results.

With these three new accreditations, Valdecilla brings to 20 the number of services and units that have this quality certification, 18 in the hospital and two in the Valdecilla Health Research Institute Foundation (IDIVAL).

The Minister of Health, Miguel Rodríguez, has valued the obtaining of these accreditations, ensuring that they guarantee “that the highest quality standards that ISO standards establish are met and that allow us to continue growing the Valdecilla brand”. The Ministry of Health, has referred to the effort involved in achieving this accreditation and the obligations arising from its maintenance for all professionals. In this regard, he pointed out “that this is going to be the easiest part” because of the involvement and dedication that professionals contribute to their daily work.

The closing ceremony was attended together with the Minister of Health, the Managing Director of the Cantabrian Health Service, Celia Gómez; the managing director of Valdecilla, Rafael Tejido; the director of management of IDIVAL, Galo Peralta; and the head of the accrediting company DNV-GL, Mónica de Miguel.

Celia Gómez has congratulated the professionals “for the effort involved in being in the space of continuous improvement and on the path of excellence”, pointing out as a challenge to be better and make better the work and the quality of care provided to the patients. He also thanked the workers “make excellence your habit.”

For his part, Rafael Tejido has recognized and thanked the efforts of professionals to achieve these quality certifications, noting that they put Valdecilla on the path of excellence. For this reason, it has encouraged professionals to continue in this line of continuous improvement.

Finally, Galo Peralta has valued the effort and work that exist behind each accreditation, highlighting that “the IDIVAL is what it is, in large part, because of its commitment to quality”.

Share to improve

The ‘Quality and Benchmarking Day between Services and Units with ISO: sharing to improve’ has been aimed at sharing and disseminating the experience and best practices of the units and services that already have ISO accreditation.

Structured in four round tables, within the context, strategy and communication area, the experiences of user care, pathology, lung transplantation, pediatric urgency and innovation (framed in the IDIVAL) have been presented.

The risk and opportunity management table has been composed of endoscopies, sterilization, immunology, the clinical trials unit and the IDIVAL biobank.

Pharmacy, microbiology, liver transplantation, the hyperbaric therapy unit and renal and pancreatic transplantation, have been part of the table focused on the patient's vision.

The last table, related to measurement, analysis and continuous improvement, has been constituted by hemotherapy, intensive medicine, radiodiagnosis and transplant coordination.